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  • Spine 3.7 released!

Hello Friend, I am experimenting with Compress| Strech| Uniform. I was please till I saw this on the board hehe.

 Loading Image

its not actually squashing more at the end of the bone.
the squash is not compensated am I rigth ? If we squash a bone on Y it doesnt stretch on X .

I try a bunch of setup and also try the same a the gif =).

just want to know if something am I doing not rigth 🙂

Related Discussions

With Gamemaker Studio 2's Spine 3.7 runtime update around the corner in Q1 2019, should I be worried about updating my Spine version before the release?

@skarasuko if you use 3.7 features not supported in the Spine runtime currently used in Gamemaker Studio, please wait until they released their 3.7 support.

@papamadoo correct, it is not automatically compensating the squash. In the gif you linked, scaling was manually applied to the bone when squashing.
I hope this answers your question.

thanks for the answers 🙂

Hi! I'm currently working on the 3.7.87 and I'm having trouble exporting to .json, I used to got 3 files (.atlas, .json and .png), and now it's only exporting the .json, I'm also having an error which wasn't there on the last version of Spine.

Error: (x + width) is outside of raster

Can someone help me 🙁

@Srita.Garabatos,can you post or email the .spine project file and images so we can see the error? In the meantime, you can export your JSON separately from running the texture packer and in the packer settings uncheck "current project".

Hello, Friends!

It became a little inconvenient to work in the hierarchy window.

Suppose in version 3.6.53 (animation) I have a lot of skeletons, and when I click on one of them, I get the keys of the selected skeleton. even if i press space button.

in version 3.7.87, when I click on one skeleton, I dont receive the keys of this skeleton.(image0_1) an if i press space i receive all keys of all skeletons..(image0_2) I have to search for the animation of the desired skeleton for a long time.
or disable all unnecessary skeletons. This is uncomfortable if I want to synchronize the animation of two skeletons.

Can you solve this question? Can you return the skeleton animation search system as before in version 3.6?

Thank you very much for your attention. :sun:

Hello Alexandr,

Instead of selecting the skeletons, try hiding the skeletons you don't want showing in the dopesheet. A hidden skeleton won't have it's keys show up in the dopesheet.
Please let us know if this method works for you.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for advice, we tried this option, it works.

But there is a case, when you animate two characters and you want to synchronize the animation of one character with another, it was convenient in version 3.6 when you select the skeleton of one character (without hiding another), you'll see the moves of both characters(on main window or preview), but you continue to work with the keys of selected character.. and if you need to find the keys of the second character, it was enough to click on the second character skeleton. (more convenient than now).

if it's difficult to change something as an option such pop-up window (image3) would help us a lot.

Thank you very much for your attention.

I was curious how I would download the installer if I dont have access to the original email I used when downloading it the first time?

11 dias depois

is there any way to open latest version of spine 3.7.87 in older version 3.6.53?

Hi there,

May I know why I cannot install the updated launcher I downloaded from my license page? It shows this error message.

"Installer intergrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy."

Kindly advice. Thanks!

Hello grifter101, it seems as the download was incomplete, try downloading the installer again. If it keeps giving you this error, please write to us at contact@esotericsoftware.com from the mail you used to purchase Spine indicating your operating system.

Erikari escreveu

Hello grifter101, it seems as the download was incomplete, try downloading the installer again. If it keeps giving you this error, please write to us at contact@esotericsoftware.com from the mail you used to purchase Spine indicating your operating system.

Hi there Erikari,

I've already sent an email. Thanks!

@Erikari sorry my bad. What i meant was i worked on a project in latest version of spine 3.7.87 and saved it in same. my question is, is there any way i can open same project in older version say 3.6.53 of spine?