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  • Spine 3.7 released!

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We are proud to announce that Spine 3.7 has moved out of beta! It's packed with lots of great new stuff, check it all out in the release blog post:
Blog: Spine 3.7 released

I'm trying to download this update, but I don't find were to do so.
How can I download it ?
Thanks !

Hello Marie! When you first purchased Spine, you should have received an email with the download link. Just head over to your license page again and redownload the installer. Launch it and it will update your Spine installation to the latest version!

Hello Erikari, Thanks, it worked !



I am having problems finding that LINK as well. Can I get it somewhere? I dont think I have that email stored.

Awesome work, congrats everybody!
I'm amazed by this big changelog, there is a ton of new things that i can try out 🙂

I only missing the time for that, but maybe if I do not sleep for a few days...

Erikari escreveu

..redownload the installer. Launch it and it will update your Spine installation to the latest version!

Thanks as I was wondering the same. Just one thing though and maybe I noobed out as ended up still being 3.6.53 : / even though the installer was the latest one (or maybe just a 'generic' installer?) it didn't seem to overwrite/delete/download/or add new files per se as it was re/installing files when running if already there in the Windows program folder. I think it just saw that an installation was already in the program (x86) folder so didn't download the new files perhaps. If anyone has the same issue it was just a simple delete old program first as usual and then run the installer, this time it downloads files from the site and 3.7.83 comes up when Spine runs, just have to place back the original activation code when requested.

You can run the installer without deleting files or uninstalling a previous version of the Spine launcher.

Nate escreveu

You can run the installer without deleting files or uninstalling a previous version of the Spine launcher.

I did run the installer at first (Windows 10) without going to Win' settings and uninstalling anything. The installer is '3.7.81', however, after it ran it I opened Spine and the old one came up 3.6.x and didn't ask for an activation code, just ran as usual. So then I uninstalled the old one, reran the latest installer again and this time it started downloading files, installed 3.7.83 which runs fine as the new one. I should mention I didn't stop the first install at anytime, wasn't using any other program and just let it do its thing till it finished. I don't know, maybe it's just me and what happened, a glitch in the Matrix. Anyhoo, many thanks for all your hard work. Appreciated, I think it's great.

Hmm, maybe you had 3.6.x set as the version you want to use, rather than Latest. When you uninstalled, it removed your prefs.json file, so when you reinstalled the version defaults to Latest.
Settings - Spine User Guide: Version

Amazing release!

Thank you

I'm excited man. While I have you here, will you guys be considering a content marketplace in the future?

@Nate can I expect performance improvement if i switch my runtime from spine-c to 3.7-cpp for cocos2dx?

Hello Friend, I am experimenting with Compress| Strech| Uniform. I was please till I saw this on the board hehe.

 Loading Image

its not actually squashing more at the end of the bone.
the squash is not compensated am I rigth ? If we squash a bone on Y it doesnt stretch on X .

I try a bunch of setup and also try the same a the gif =).

just want to know if something am I doing not rigth 🙂

With Gamemaker Studio 2's Spine 3.7 runtime update around the corner in Q1 2019, should I be worried about updating my Spine version before the release?

@skarasuko if you use 3.7 features not supported in the Spine runtime currently used in Gamemaker Studio, please wait until they released their 3.7 support.

@papamadoo correct, it is not automatically compensating the squash. In the gif you linked, scaling was manually applied to the bone when squashing.
I hope this answers your question.