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Gunman Pack Just Bought, Bug occurs with updated runtime.
Need a Fix!
I just Download the gunman pack from the licensing website, open it in the latest unity 2019.1.2.f1, and then I imported the updated runtime "Spine-Unity 3.7 runtime unitypackage" from Spine Unity Download.
Then, This error occurs,
Assets/Spine/spine-unity/Modules/AnimationTools/AnimationTools.cs(215,6): error CS1501: No overload for method SetFrame' takes
4' arguments
I could not find the solution, please need help, really wish to get start it. Thank you!
I tried to delete the animationtools.cs following No overload for method `SetFrame'
But then all of the characters are not rendering.
shown in the attachment.
no errors occur this time.
Please delete the Assets/Spine and Assets/Spine Examples folder from the Gunman project and then Re-import the Unity 3.7 runtime package!
It seems there was a renamed file hiding in there somewhere that didn't get cleaned up. I will make sure this gets corrected in the Hitman and Gunman packages along with a runtime update soon!
Let me know if you have any other issues!
Hi Thank you Mitch for your help.
Unfortunately the problem is still existing, I delete the Spine Examples folder, open it in Unity 2019.1.2f1, Then I re-import the Unity 3.7 runtime, the same error still there.
Assets/Spine/spine-unity/Modules/AnimationTools/AnimationTools.cs(215,6): error CS1501: No overload for method SetFrame' takes
4' arguments
I cannot run the Gunman scene in Assets/SpineMen/Scenes.
Maybe the compatibility issue?
The second screenshot shows that all of the Spine examples scene are not rendered properly. The animationtool.cs is the one has problem?
You must delete the Assets/Spine folder as well! Not just the examples.