First of all, I wanted to say that Spine's take on Unity Mecanim System works like a charm! When set up correctly, it really reflects how I can preview it in the software (with layer mixing together, transitions between states, etc)!
There is however one specific case in which I have really strange behavior with my interpolation between two states. I have this flower skeleton
which has animation set up divided into 2 groups: group 1, the flower is sad and scaled down ; group 2, the flower is happy and scaled normally (to 1).
I can provide a quick video to demonstrate the problem (if the forum let me transfer any video format...) The problem shown in the video is the following: my Mecanim transitions between various animation within group 1, with an ugly "bounce" effect... it's just as if the flower is interpolated with the normal scale (1), then back to the next animation (which is keyed, and has exactly the same scale as the previous animation from which it transitions).
This undesired "bounce" effect does not appear in the preview mode (when I click from one animation to another) in Spine, only inside Unity.
Thank you for you help!