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Open n close mouth
So I made the head like that, originally with the mouth closed, but I thought it would be nice if I could open and close the mouth.
Tried to make the jaw separate, but when I move the jaw angle then the mouth should go under the head while the jaw should be above, so I ended up combining them in hope I could do some trickery with the mesh instead..
The only method I see is to actually move the mesh points, but transform constraints doesn't work with them so I wouldn't have a easy way to control them?
So what would be the best way to go about this?
A typical approach to this image would be to separate the jaw from the head:
Create a bone to control the head, and a bone to control the jaw, then turn the jaw into a mesh and bind it to both bones:
the parts that should be connected to the head get 100% head bone influence, everything else can get the jaw influence.
You can see a similar example of jaw but at a different angle in the dragon project that you can download here:
Spine: Twitch
At 1h 10s I start rigging the jaw just like explained above:
The different angle may just require you to translate the jaw bone instead of just rotating it, and if you're after a 2.5D effect as you seemed to mention, you can even constraint that bone to the bone that controls the 2.5D effect setting the translation to a number inverse or that has a lower influence that 100.
So I just confused myself by trying to keep the back of the head ^^;; I had already done a similar method with the legs..
Still need much tweaking, but I did get what I wanted out of this test ^^ will do an isolated facerig next
Thanks for the help