• Editor
  • What do you use for assets creation?

What tool are you using for creating assets to use in Spine? I'm assuming many are using Flash, but I figured I'd ask. More of a programmer than an artist, so I'm wondering how the assets are being made.

I guess I'd be interested in hearing about workflow from concept to Spine from anyone willing to discuss it.


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I think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.

Personally I use Sketchpad Pro to draw characters in, then save as PSD and open in Photoshop to do tweaking. I find Sketchpad Pro to be such a nice program to draw in, it's so fast to work with and it's also a rather cheap program despite coming from Autodesk.

I recently uploaded a small video of me working in Sketchpad, it's nothing fancy was just fooling around but you can find it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQQe1bvrtjs

I rough sketch in photoshop in blue with a low flow for exploratory sketching. Then I define my main line work in black in a new layer. Then trace and color in flash. Something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_LDuQ7QiOA

Nate escreveu

I think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.

Oh nice.. I'd been experiencing some psychic apprehension about doing my next character because of how tedious saving out each layer as a png is.

I use a combination of InkScape, Gimp, Krita and MyPaint. All of them Free and OpenSource :-)

um mês depois
Nate escreveu

I think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.

Are there such scripts for gimp and/or inkscape?

Probably, but we don't have a ready made one I'm afraid.

2 meses depois

I have a Photoshop script that you might find useful. It was written to export a Spriter SCML file and support for Spine was added. For Spine, it exports a *-skeleton.json file which must be imported to an empty project. If there was a plain-text version of a Spine project file, I would add that as well.

The script uses a group hierarchy with layers defining the locations of bones. There is an example PSD included with the project. One with a full hierarchy and one with all objects bound to the root bone.


erromu escreveu
Nate escreveu

I think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.

Are there such scripts for gimp and/or inkscape?

For Gimp, there is a plug-in: http://registry.gimp.org/node/26292
For Inkscape, it is a two-step process. First export to XCF and use the above process. Link that describes the steps to enable XCF export: http://www.chrishilbig.com/inkscape-exp ... -inkscape/

I use more tools, but pretty much everything starts and everything ends up in photoshop.

For those who use Photoshop and are on Mac,
there is a really great tool - Slicy http://macrabbit.com/slicy/

You just add ".png" to the name of the layer or a folder in Photoshop.
Save it, then you just drag&drop the PSD to Slicy and it will export the .png images for you.

You can also use "/" for folders. For example if you have some ".png" layers under a folder named "body/" it will create a folder and export all the png's to this folder.

This saves SO SO SOOOO much time.
Also, it's really very flexible. If you get used to structuring the folders - it's really effective.
You are able to separate all body parts as you need them, or parts of objects or whatever asset you are working on.

And if I need to edit something, I just edit it, save it, use slicy and baaang thats it 😃
Everything with few clicks.

Another timesaving PS plugin is Enigma64 http://getenigma64.com/

I'll try to find a moment and put together my workflow and post it here. Maybe you guys could give me some cool suggestions.

Slicy sounds neat.

I use mostly MyPaint. Sometimes Inkscape for some vector elements. And GIMP for cutting things up.

Shiu escreveu

Personally I use Sketchpad Pro to draw characters in, then save as PSD and open in Photoshop to do tweaking.

Yes! Sketchbook Pro is great. I used it on a project several years ago, back before they added canvas rotation. Boy do I wish it had Canvas rotation way back when. 🙂

I use a combination of slicy and adobe generator which is part of the latest version of photoshop CC and is also extendable. Its a node.js based plugin and fully documented on github on how to extend to your needs.

http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotcom/ ... op-cc.html