I use a combination of InkScape, Gimp, Krita and MyPaint. All of them Free and OpenSource :-)
What do you use for assets creation?
Nate escreveuI think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.
Are there such scripts for gimp and/or inkscape?
Probably, but we don't have a ready made one I'm afraid.
I have a Photoshop script that you might find useful. It was written to export a Spriter SCML file and support for Spine was added. For Spine, it exports a *-skeleton.json file which must be imported to an empty project. If there was a plain-text version of a Spine project file, I would add that as well.
The script uses a group hierarchy with layers defining the locations of bones. There is an example PSD included with the project. One with a full hierarchy and one with all objects bound to the root bone.
erromu escreveuNate escreveuI think a lot of people use Photoshop. There is a LayersToPNG Photoshop script included with Spine, and also one for Illustrator. We also use a tool that finds the optimal rotation for images so they minimize whitespace wasting. We should make that available.
Are there such scripts for gimp and/or inkscape?
For Gimp, there is a plug-in: http://registry.gimp.org/node/26292
For Inkscape, it is a two-step process. First export to XCF and use the above process. Link that describes the steps to enable XCF export: http://www.chrishilbig.com/inkscape-exp ... -inkscape/
I use more tools, but pretty much everything starts and everything ends up in photoshop.
For those who use Photoshop and are on Mac,
there is a really great tool - Slicy http://macrabbit.com/slicy/
You just add ".png" to the name of the layer or a folder in Photoshop.
Save it, then you just drag&drop the PSD to Slicy and it will export the .png images for you.
You can also use "/" for folders. For example if you have some ".png" layers under a folder named "body/" it will create a folder and export all the png's to this folder.
This saves SO SO SOOOO much time.
Also, it's really very flexible. If you get used to structuring the folders - it's really effective.
You are able to separate all body parts as you need them, or parts of objects or whatever asset you are working on.
And if I need to edit something, I just edit it, save it, use slicy and baaang thats it
Everything with few clicks.
Another timesaving PS plugin is Enigma64 http://getenigma64.com/
I'll try to find a moment and put together my workflow and post it here. Maybe you guys could give me some cool suggestions.
Slicy sounds neat.
I use mostly MyPaint. Sometimes Inkscape for some vector elements. And GIMP for cutting things up.
Shiu escreveuPersonally I use Sketchpad Pro to draw characters in, then save as PSD and open in Photoshop to do tweaking.
Yes! Sketchbook Pro is great. I used it on a project several years ago, back before they added canvas rotation. Boy do I wish it had Canvas rotation way back when.
I use a combination of slicy and adobe generator which is part of the latest version of photoshop CC and is also extendable. Its a node.js based plugin and fully documented on github on how to extend to your needs.
@eq2k awwww I overlooked this feature lol Thanks!
But I see there is not support for creating folders and also it's not possible to choose a export destination.
I've already created a idea - http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop ... ture?rfm=1 ... you can put there a +1