Mario 抱歉,我们需要更多信息。 您是否要从DragonBones导入.json文件到Spine? 如果是这样,您可以在此处附加该.json文件吗? I'm sorry, we need more information. Are you trying to import a .json file from DragonBones into Spine? If so, could you attach that .json file here?
承接外包视频制作 Mario escreveu抱歉,我们需要更多信息。 您是否要从DragonBones导入.json文件到Spine? 如果是这样,您可以在此处附加该.json文件吗? I'm sorry, we need more information. Are you trying to import a .json file from DragonBones into Spine? If so, could you attach that .json file here? Dragonbone官方提供了工具将Spine转成龙骨格式。但是工具很久没有更新。 请问Spine官方有没有类似工具可以完美转换
Mario 恐怕我们没有这样的工具。 请与DragonBones开发人员联系。 I'm afraid we have no such tools. Please talk to the DragonBones developers about it.