• Editor
  • Spine Export is too Long

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Good morning.
I am a programmer who makes games with a cool tool called Spine.
Since our project wants to be able to customize each of the skins, Spine has a lot of skins. (More than 1500 png files only)
Previously, it was selected well even if it took an hour when exporting,
Even if you export for about 12 hours recently, it is still in progress.
The export json format is as below.

How can I reduce it even a little?

Spine version is 3.8.99 professional

"class": "export-binary",
"name": "Binary",
"project": "E:\\spine\\01_character\\01_base_character\\c41\\c41.spine",
"output": "E:\\spine\\01_character\\01_base_character\\c41\\unity_export",
"open": false,
"extension": ".skel.bytes",
"nonessential": false,
"cleanUp": true,
"packAtlas": {
"stripWhitespaceX": true,
"stripWhitespaceY": true,
"rotation": false,
"alias": true,
"ignoreBlankImages": true,
"alphaThreshold": 3,
"minWidth": 2048,
"minHeight": 2048,
"maxWidth": 2048,
"maxHeight": 2048,
"pot": true,
"multipleOfFour": false,
"square": true,
"outputFormat": "png",
"jpegQuality": 0.9,
"premultiplyAlpha": true,
"bleed": false,
"scale": [ 1 ],
"scaleSuffix": [ "" ],
"scaleResampling": [ "bicubic" ],
"paddingX": 2,
"paddingY": 2,
"edgePadding": true,
"duplicatePadding": false,
"filterMin": "Linear",
"filterMag": "Linear",
"wrapX": "ClampToEdge",
"wrapY": "ClampToEdge",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"atlasExtension": ".atlas.txt",
"combineSubdirectories": false,
"flattenPaths": false,
"useIndexes": false,
"debug": false,
"fast": true,
"limitMemory": false,
"currentProject": true,
"packing": "polygons",
"silent": false,
"ignore": false,
"bleedIterations": 2
"packSource": "attachments",
"packTarget": "perskeleton",
"warnings": true

Packing polygons can be slow when there are many images, sorry. You can change the packing to rectangles. We plan to improve polygon packing speed but until then you can use a dedicated packing tool, such as Texture Packer Pro.

Thank you for quick response.
There is also a way to export as a rectangle, but as you mentioned, I want to use Texture Packer Pro. How do I use it with spine?

I'm not too familiar with Texture Packer Pro, but it should have a way to pack an atlas that Spine can read. The atlas format is probably called "Spine". The Spine atlas format is the same as the libgdx atlas format, so Texture Packer Pro may call it "libgdx". I'm not sure if Texture Packer Pro can do polygon packing using the Spine data to get the polygons for the meshes.

In 4.0.54-beta we've greatly improved the polygon packing speed. It should be usable now even with high vertex count meshes or hundreds/thousands of images.

Oh thank you, I'll export it tomorrow!