I was working on a knockback and stumble system for our animator controller core where when we are hit by a projectile we stumble back. I noticed that the animations in the blend tree were overriding each other instead of blending between them.
I fixed this issue on my end by going into SkeletonMecanim.Apply() and ensuring that when we step through all clips playing on a layer we use
c > 0 ? MixBlend.Add : layerBlendMode
instead of just passing the layerblend directly. this is only a patch solution though as I would assume that the resulting animation from a layer is able to override the underlying layers but still blend additively internally which probably doesn't work fully.
The layer blend mode was also set to setup, possibly because I have been using Animator override controllers to create a single controller setup that then allows us to plug the relevant animations into the layout and work as intended. It saves me a lot of time if i don't have to maintain 20+ character animator-controllers.