Sorry for the late response. To use 4.0 runtimes you'll need to export your data with the 4.0 editor. You can use your same atlas files, you only need the 4.0 JSON or binary data.
If you have many Spine projects, you use the command line:
Command line interface - Spine User Guide
If you have the Spine project files with one of these:
spine -u 4.0.xx -i example.project -o /path/to/output
export json
spine -u 4.0.xx -i example.project -o /path/to/output
export binary
If you do not have Spine project files, you need to import into the old version to create a project file:
spine -u 3.6.53 -i example.json -o example.spine
I don't remember if 3.6 can import from the command line. It is very old. If the command above doesn't work, I'm afraid you'll have to use the UI to import the data and save a project file.