Hello, firstly, I'm sorry, i only did half an hour research into this so far, but I'm under a deadline and panicking a bit, so I'm posting this question too soon so that it can sit here and maybe collect some responses while I continue my research...
Secondly - as the title says... The spine lib has some editor asset importer scripts (which i haven't located and therefore haven't looked at yet) which take the generated files and generate some extra files in unity on import...
...i have just learned i need to remove this step. I need to be able to load the spine exports directly, at runtime, removing the intermediary steps of "let the editor scripts generate the files which are then actually used".
So far, it seems to be somewhat possible - if i basically re-wrote the importers or whatever they do, basically manually parsing and reading the spine exports, and manually constructing the spine objects based on that. For this, even pointing me to where are the spine importer scripts handling this, would help.
Which is... something.
Something kind of scary, since I only have 40 hours budgeted for the WHOLE project, and so far it seems to me doing just the "import at runtime" part would cost me at least 20 hours.
Any better solutions/tips/pointers to something that might help?
Thank you, and again, sorry for asking so soon with having done so little research beforehand.
P.S. Yes, I am very new to the whole spine workflow, so hopefully, I have overlooked or not yet learned about something very obvious which immediately solves at least half of my problem. Sorry about that, but I'm in full panic mode and therefore reaching out in all the directions I can think about. Thank you for understanding.
i have found this (amongst other things), which hints at what i said - the theoretical possibility of rebuilding the whole spine object at runtime, but... at the same time, it doesn't seem to be exactly the correct way (unless "attachment" is spine's word for "whatever is plopped onto the bone", and even then, I'd have to manually rebuild the skeleton, which I haven't yet looked into whether it's possible or not).