Canvas 위에서 SkeletonGraphic으로 스파인을 사용하고 있습니다.
Mesh를 사용하는 일반 SkeleltonAnimation을 사용할 때에는
Spine/Skeleton Fill 쉐이더를 사용하여 해당 기능을 이용 하였으나
SkeletonGraphic에선 해당 기능을 어떻게 사용해야 할 지 모르겠습니다.
Canvas 위에서 SkeletonGraphic으로 스파인을 사용하고 있습니다.
Mesh를 사용하는 일반 SkeleltonAnimation을 사용할 때에는
Spine/Skeleton Fill 쉐이더를 사용하여 해당 기능을 이용 하였으나
SkeletonGraphic에선 해당 기능을 어떻게 사용해야 할 지 모르겠습니다.
설명하는 것보다 이러한 셰이더를 작성하는 것이 더 빠르므로 SkeletonGraphic Fill 셰이더를 제공하는 첨부된 zip 패키지를 찾으십시오.
일반 Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Shaders\SkeletonGraphic
디렉토리에 압축을 풀 수 있습니다.
As I'm faster writing such a shader than explaining it, please find attached a zip package that provides a SkeletonGraphic Fill shader.
You can extract it into the normal Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Shaders\SkeletonGraphic
Harald escreveu설명하는 것보다 이러한 셰이더를 작성하는 것이 더 빠르므로 SkeletonGraphic Fill 셰이더를 제공하는 첨부된 zip 패키지를 찾으십시오.
디렉토리에 압축을 풀 수 있습니다.
As I'm faster writing such a shader than explaining it, please find attached a zip package that provides a SkeletonGraphic Fill shader.
You can extract it into the normal
해당 파일을 적용해봤는데 Spine-Common.cginc 파일이 제 프로젝트엔 없습니다.
spine package는 해당 사이트에서 받았습니다.
spine-unity 3.8 for Unity 2017.1-2020.3
spine-unity 3.8 2021-11-10
(Last updated: UTC - 2021 Nov 10)
SkeletonGraphic Fill은 기본 제공 기능이 아닌건가요?
항상 먼저 spine-unity 버전을 언급하십시오. 그렇지 않으면 최신 안정 버전(4.0)이라고 가정합니다.
Please always mention your spine-unity version ahead of time, otherwise we assume it's the latest stable version (4.0).
[ Edit: removed previous zip package of SkeletonGraphic-Fill shader, a new one can be found a few postings below. ]
Harald escreveu항상 먼저 spine-unity 버전을 언급하십시오. 그렇지 않으면 최신 안정 버전(4.0)이라고 가정합니다.
Please always mention your spine-unity version ahead of time, otherwise we assume it's the latest stable version (4.0).
감사합니다. 정상 작동합니다.
2가지 질문이 있습니다.
해당 기능은 기본 내장 기능이 아닌가요?
일반 Spine/Skeleton Fill은 FillColor 255,255,255에서도 정상 작동합니다. (하얀색으로 채워짐.)
그런데 올려주신 Spine/SkeletonGraphic Fill은 FillColor 255,255,255에서는 반응하지 않습니다.
정상인가요? 아니면 버그인가요?
chashkim escreveu1. 해당 기능은 기본 내장 기능이 아닌가요?
No, it is not a built-in shader, otherwise I would not have written it for you.
We will add such a shader officially in the future.
chashkim escreveu
- 일반 Spine/Skeleton Fill은 FillColor 255,255,255에서도 정상 작동합니다. (하얀색으로 채워짐.)
그런데 올려주신 Spine/SkeletonGraphic Fill은 FillColor 255,255,255에서는 반응하지 않습니다.
정상인가요? 아니면 버그인가요?
白色填充颜色不能按预期工作? 我们无法重现白色填充颜色的任何问题。 请始终详细描述您的设置是什么,您希望看到什么以及您收到什么。
What does not work as expected with white fill color? We could not reproduce any problem with white fill color. Please always describe in detail what your settings are, what you expect to see and what you receive instead.
I'm really sorry.
I am trying to explain in detail.
The downloaded fill function for 3.8 doesn't work when it's white.
I have read the article above. Is it easiest to use RenderTexture to give an alpha value so that the images do not overlap?
In version 4.0 and later, there is a tutorial for that function, but in 3.8 there seems to be no such thing.
Our team of graphic designers are working on version 3.8.99.
If I change this version to 4.0.63 (the latest version excluding the beta version), is there any problem in importing the work of version 3.8.99?
I used google translator.
please answer about my question. thank you.
chashkim escreveu1.
The downloaded fill function for 3.8 doesn't work when it's white.
Oh, sorry, I made a mistake in the previous zip package. Please find the new shader attached.
2. Problem with overlapping opaque spine resources in Unity3D
I have read the article above. Is it easiest to use RenderTexture to give an alpha value so that the images do not overlap?
In version 4.0 and later, there is a tutorial for that function, but in 3.8 there seems to be no such thing.
You are correct, this example component has been added to 4.0 and newer versions of the spine-unity runtime. You could import just the contents of the Spine Examples/Scripts/Sample Components/SkeletonRenderTexture
directory from the 4.0 spine-unity package to your 3.8 project, and the scene Spine Examples/Other Examples/RenderTexture FadeOut Transparency
3. We are considering a version upgrade.
Our team of graphic designers are working on version 3.8.99.
If I change this version to 4.0.63 (the latest version excluding the beta version), is there any problem in importing the work of version 3.8.99?
You need to reexport your skeletons from Spine 4.0. In general we always suggest automating your export via scripts using the Spine Command Line Interface. We would recommend upgrading to 4.1 instead of 4.0, which will be released as non-beta very soon.
For a complete upgrade guide see:
Spine-Unity 3.8 to 4.0 Upgrade Guide
4. Can't SkeletonGraphic use RenderTexture even in the latest version?
We haven't implemented such an example component yet, no. Currently we only have the render texture component available for SkeletonRenderer
components (and subclasses SkeletonAnimation
and SkeletonMecanim
I'm working on Unity Spine Version 4.1.
SkeletonGraphic.SkeletonData.Animations when receiving Spine's animation list worked normally in the PC editor, but there was a problem that it did not work properly when building Android.
SkeletonGraphic.Skeleton.Data.Animations works fine in Android builds.
Can I use the 4.0 version of the Fill shader I uploaded earlier?
chashkim escreveu1. What is the difference between SkeletonGraphic.SkeletonData.Animations and SkeletonGraphic.Skeleton.Data.Animations?
SkeletonGraphic.SkeletonData.Animations when receiving Spine's animation list worked normally in the PC editor, but there was a problem that it did not work properly when building Android.
SkeletonGraphic.Skeleton.Data.Animations works fine in Android builds.
Thanks for reporting and sorry for the troubles! The Skeleton getter implicitly calls Initialize(false)
which was not called by SkeletonData. This inconsistency has just been fixed, new 4.1 and 4.2-beta spine-unity packages are available for download here as usual:
spine-unity Download
Issue ticket URL for later reference:
chashkim escreveu2. It seems that SkeletonGraphic's Fill shader is still not built in.
Can I use the 4.0 version of the Fill shader I uploaded earlier?
Yes, you can use the previous version of the SkeletonGraphic Fill
shader with 4.1. We didn't get to release a cleanly refactored version (with cleaned up common code) yet.
FYI: We have just officially added a Spine/SkeletonGraphic Fill
shader on both 4.1 and 4.2-beta branches. New spine-unity unitypackages are available for download:
spine-unity Download