• Editor
  • KB shortcut Fwd frame Bck Frame

Hey Guys,

Brilliant work, Spine is absolutely fantastic piece of software, as an animator I'm really appreciating it.

My question is, Is there a way to advance forward and backward by one frame using a keyboard shortcut?

Also do you have any more info on how long before you guys will implement Keyable Draw Order, and Auto-keying. (Having to select all bones and press K to set a key frame every time is a pain in the neck)

But Like I said Spine is fantastic and I take my hat off to you guys for creating it!
And I can't wait to start using it in production.


Related Discussions

The Auto-key option is currently listed in the "Backlog (low priority)" section. Go to the link below and then you can vote for it and try to move it up the schedule. It currently has one vote (from me) :-)


[Edit] Also note that there is a 'Hotkeys' request in the same "Backlog (low priority)" section which includes a hotkey to move forward/backwards a frame. This sounds like what you want.

um ano depois

Did this ever get implemented? I noticed this was in March of last year. Forward and backward Hotkeys would be so useful. They are in every animation. In 3D Studio Max It's < > After Effects it's Page Down and Page Up. Some just use the left and right arrow keys. It would make animation so much smoother to create.

While we are talking Hotkeys do you have list some where of all the hot keys? I agree with @ArtizenAnimator this software GREAT!

Oh that's AWESOME! Don't know why I didn't think of trying those keys. Thanks for the Cheat Sheet!

There's also a viewable/editable hotkeys text file in:

<user home folder>\Spine\hotkeys.txt

Yep, see here:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\hotkeys.txt
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/hotkeys.txt
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/hotkeys.txt