My team and I are wondering more specifics on these bullet points mentioned by Harald.
Nintendo Switch Optimizations thread from 3 years ago
"Use as few materials as possible (equals as few textures as possible, pack them to shared atlases where possible). This keeps the number of drawcalls lower."
Would making use of material property blocks help if the materials are the same but textures are different?
"Use as few GameObject nodes as possible - a very deep hierarchy with many GameObjects per character can have a very noticable impact on performance."
I'm not sure if Harald means a deep bone hierarchy here within a spine game object, an exploded spine object within unity using Spawn Hierarchy, or a deep unity game object hierarchy with either a spine game object and/or an exploded spine object at the end.
That said, what are some uses cases for using the Spawn Hierarchy utility when we have options like the bone follower component? Are there performance concerns when using Spawn Hierarchy vs a contained spine object?
Thanks as always!