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这发生在哪个 iOS 和 Safari 移动版本上? 你用的是什么spine-ts版本? 可以分享资产吗?
What iOS and Safari mobile version is this happening on? What spine-ts version are you using? Can you share the assets?
ios上chrome和safari都出现了这个问题,试了ios多个机型都是一样的情况,使用的是spine-player.js 4.0的版本,资源文件大于4mb被限制上传了,请给我一个邮箱地址
iOS 上的 Chrome 使用与 Safari (WebKit) 相同的渲染引擎。 您可以将资产发送至contact@esotericsoftware.com。
Chrome on iOS is using the same rendering engine as Safari (WebKit). You can send assets to contact@esotericsoftware.com.
Mario escreveuiOS 上的 Chrome 使用与 Safari (WebKit) 相同的渲染引擎。 您可以将资产发送至contact@esotericsoftware.com。
Chrome on iOS is using the same rendering engine as Safari (WebKit). You can send assets to contact@esotericsoftware.com.
谢谢,我已经收到资产,一旦发现问题,我会在这里回复。 可能需要一点时间。
Thanks, I've received the assets and will reply here, once I find the issue. It may take a little.
I've investigated the issue. It appears that the WebGL implementation of Safari mobile modifies texture image data in a destructive way, which then leads to color banding in combination with premultiplied alpha. Could you please send me the original Spine project and image files via email?
Mario escreveuI've investigated the issue. It appears that the WebGL implementation of Safari mobile modifies texture image data in a destructive way, which then leads to color banding in combination with premultiplied alpha. Could you please send me the original Spine project and image files via email?
Mario escreveuI've investigated the issue. It appears that the WebGL implementation of Safari mobile modifies texture image data in a destructive way, which then leads to color banding in combination with premultiplied alpha. Could you please send me the original Spine project and image files via email?
Hello, is there any progress on this problem? If there is any solution, please inform me as soon as possible. At present, this problem is still bothering me a lot
恐怕我还没有找到解决办法。 出于某种原因,Safari mobile 的 WebKit 实现似乎降低了纹理的颜色深度,我还没有找到解决方法。
I'm afraid I have not found a solution yet. Safari mobile's WebKit implementation seems to downsample the color depth of textures for some reason, and I have not found a way around that yet.
我还没有完成调查。 我使用了 woshi4.0.spine 项目文件,因为它是唯一一个带有“fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake”动画的文件。 我在 Spine 4.1.08 中打开它并将其导出为 .json。 使用以下设置导出地图集:
I have no finished the investigation. I used the woshi4.0.spine project file, as that was the only one with the "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake" animation. I opened it in Spine 4.1.08 and exported it to .json. The atlas was exported with these settings:
然后我使用了最新的 spin-player 版本(NPM 上的 4.1.22),它与 GitHub 上 4.1 分支中的 spin-player 源相同。 然后我写了这个小 .html 文件:
I then used the latest spine-player release (4.1.22 on NPM), which is the same as the spine-player sources in the 4.1 branch on GitHub. I then wrote this little .html file:
<div id="container" style="width:100%; height:100vh"></div>
new spine.SpinePlayer("container", {
jsonUrl: "assets/woshi.json",
atlasUrl: "assets/woshi4.0.atlas",
animation: "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake",
premultipliedAlpha: true,
backgroundColor: "#cccccc",
viewport: {
debugRender: true,
showControls: true,
我在运行的真实 iOS 设备上对此进行了测试,得到了正确的结果:
I tested this on a real iOS device running, which gives this correct result:
将 woshi4.0.spine 项目导出为 .json 时,我确实注意到版本设置为 4.0 而不是 4.1。 当您使用 spin-player 4.1.22 渲染它时,这将导致文件不兼容。 请确保您使用与您使用的 Spine 运行时的 x.y 版本相同的 x.y Spine Editor 版本导出您的资产。 例如。 从 Spine Editor 4.1.08 导出,将版本字段保留为 4.1,并使用 spin-player 4.1.22。
When exporting the woshi4.0.spine project to .json, I did notice that the version was set to 4.0 instead of 4.1. This will result in an incompatible file when you render it with spine-player 4.1.22. Please make sure you export your assets with the same x.y Spine Editor version as the x.y version of the Spine Runtimes you use. E.g. export from Spine Editor 4.1.08, leaving the version field at 4.1, and use the spine-player 4.1.22.
Mario escreveu我还没有完成调查。 我使用了 woshi4.0.spine 项目文件,因为它是唯一一个带有“fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake”动画的文件。 我在 Spine 4.1.08 中打开它并将其导出为 .json。 使用以下设置导出地图集:
I have no finished the investigation. I used the woshi4.0.spine project file, as that was the only one with the "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake" animation. I opened it in Spine 4.1.08 and exported it to .json. The atlas was exported with these settings:
然后我使用了最新的 spin-player 版本(NPM 上的 4.1.22),它与 GitHub 上 4.1 分支中的 spin-player 源相同。 然后我写了这个小 .html 文件:
I then used the latest spine-player release (4.1.22 on NPM), which is the same as the spine-player sources in the 4.1 branch on GitHub. I then wrote this little .html file:<body> <div id="container" style="width:100%; height:100vh"></div> </body> <script> new spine.SpinePlayer("container", { jsonUrl: "assets/woshi.json", atlasUrl: "assets/woshi4.0.atlas", animation: "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake", premultipliedAlpha: true, backgroundColor: "#cccccc", viewport: { debugRender: true, }, showControls: true, }); </script>
我在运行的真实 iOS 设备上对此进行了测试,得到了正确的结果:
I tested this on a real iOS device running, which gives this correct result:
将 woshi4.0.spine 项目导出为 .json 时,我确实注意到版本设置为 4.0 而不是 4.1。 当您使用 spin-player 4.1.22 渲染它时,这将导致文件不兼容。 请确保您使用与您使用的 Spine 运行时的 x.y 版本相同的 x.y Spine Editor 版本导出您的资产。 例如。 从 Spine Editor 4.1.08 导出,将版本字段保留为 4.1,并使用 spin-player 4.1.22。
When exporting the woshi4.0.spine project to .json, I did notice that the version was set to 4.0 instead of 4.1. This will result in an incompatible file when you render it with spine-player 4.1.22. Please make sure you export your assets with the same x.y Spine Editor version as the x.y version of the Spine Runtimes you use. E.g. export from Spine Editor 4.1.08, leaving the version field at 4.1, and use the spine-player 4.1.22.
我npm安装了插件均使用了4.0.28的版本,spine editor使用4.0.64版本
huey escreveuMario escreveu我还没有完成调查。 我使用了 woshi4.0.spine 项目文件,因为它是唯一一个带有“fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake”动画的文件。 我在 Spine 4.1.08 中打开它并将其导出为 .json。 使用以下设置导出地图集:
I have no finished the investigation. I used the woshi4.0.spine project file, as that was the only one with the "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake" animation. I opened it in Spine 4.1.08 and exported it to .json. The atlas was exported with these settings:
然后我使用了最新的 spin-player 版本(NPM 上的 4.1.22),它与 GitHub 上 4.1 分支中的 spin-player 源相同。 然后我写了这个小 .html 文件:
I then used the latest spine-player release (4.1.22 on NPM), which is the same as the spine-player sources in the 4.1 branch on GitHub. I then wrote this little .html file:<body> <div id="container" style="width:100%; height:100vh"></div> </body> <script> new spine.SpinePlayer("container", { jsonUrl: "assets/woshi.json", atlasUrl: "assets/woshi4.0.atlas", animation: "fs_zj_lie_4000_pj_wake", premultipliedAlpha: true, backgroundColor: "#cccccc", viewport: { debugRender: true, }, showControls: true, }); </script>
我在运行的真实 iOS 设备上对此进行了测试,得到了正确的结果:
I tested this on a real iOS device running, which gives this correct result:
将 woshi4.0.spine 项目导出为 .json 时,我确实注意到版本设置为 4.0 而不是 4.1。 当您使用 spin-player 4.1.22 渲染它时,这将导致文件不兼容。 请确保您使用与您使用的 Spine 运行时的 x.y 版本相同的 x.y Spine Editor 版本导出您的资产。 例如。 从 Spine Editor 4.1.08 导出,将版本字段保留为 4.1,并使用 spin-player 4.1.22。
When exporting the woshi4.0.spine project to .json, I did notice that the version was set to 4.0 instead of 4.1. This will result in an incompatible file when you render it with spine-player 4.1.22. Please make sure you export your assets with the same x.y Spine Editor version as the x.y version of the Spine Runtimes you use. E.g. export from Spine Editor 4.1.08, leaving the version field at 4.1, and use the spine-player 4.1.22.我npm安装了插件均使用了4.0.28的版本,spine editor使用4.0.64版本,导出的文件也勾选了4.0
我目前只有用于测试的设备(Apple iPad Air 2020),它对我来说正确显示。 我看看能不能换个设备。
您在测试设备上运行的是什么 iOS 和 Safari 版本?
I only have on device for testing at the moment (Apple iPad Air 2020) and it displays correctly for me. I'll see if I can get another device.
What iOS and Safari version are you running on your test device?
iphone 12 mini 软件版本:15.1
iphone Xs Max 软件版本:15.6
iphone XR 软件版本:15.6.1
Above my test machine render is abnormal
Please open this on your devices and tell me if you still see the issue:
Mario escreveu请在您的设备上打开它并告诉我您是否仍然看到问题:
https://marioslab.io/dump/woshi/Please open this on your devices and tell me if you still see the issue:
你的网址我看到是正常的,好奇怪,请问我第一次发给你的资源文件也是同样显示正常吗,还是你做了什么特殊处理。我下载了你网址上请求的资源放在我的本地项目里也同样显示正常了,这让我开始怀疑第二次我发送的源文件是不是发送了一个正常的版本 :lol:
I see that your website is normal, which is very strange. May I ask if the resource file I sent to you for the first time is also normal, or do you do something special? I downloaded the requested resources from your website and it also appeared normal in my local project, which made me wonder if I sent a normal version of the source file the second time
我将您的 woshi4.0.spine 项目文件导出为 JSON。 我确保在导出设置中将导出的版本设置为 4.1。 我使用存储在项目中的设置导出了纹理图集。 然后我刚刚创建了这个小测试站点,它使用了最新的 spin-player 4.1 运行时版本。
I took your woshi4.0.spine project file and exported it to JSON. I made sure the exported version was set to 4.1 in the export settings. I exported the texture atlas with the settings stored in the project. I then just created this little test site, which uses the latest spine-player 4.1 runtime version.