• Editor
  • Presented a Lightning Talk @ PyCon

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Hey guys,

I presented my work thus far at PyCon. I still don't have my rotation 100% perfect, but I presented what I had anyway.

I did a little 5 minute talk about Spine plus the Python runtime, and I held an Open Space after the talk. Only a couple of people showed up at the open space, but it was a lot of fun.

I also got a chance to talk to Eben (one of the Raspberry Pi founders). I showed him a quick demo of what I have so far, and discussed possibilities of getting the Raspberry Pi performance up above 6FPS.

I did have one glitch during the talk - Spine crashed while trying to open a project. I've seen this crash a couple of times with the latest build.

It's ok - the recovery went something like:

"Not my software!" (laughter).

restarts Spine, it's slow "Java." (laughter).

All in good fun!

I think one of the guys that came to the Open Space may start helping me hack on the code!

The GitHub project is here:


I don't have the Pygame front end quite extracted from the backend in the way I want to, but I'll get that done.

For now, it's something that people can at least poke at.

I've broken the modules out and made them available on pypi.python.org.

They're here:


pyguts requires spine-python, so if you just want to play with the pygame module, you can just 'pip install pyguts' and you'll have everything you need.

You can see examples of how to use it on the github page.

There are still some rendering bugs, so I've disabled animation for now.

The latest versions of spine-python (1.0b2) and pyguts (1.0b4) are now animating properly.

There are probably still a few bugs. It seems like the animation jerks at the end, and I haven't tried doing the dragon example yet, but things are beginning to look usable!

Cool, thanks! 🙂 Too bad it crashed though, lame. 🙁

Nate escreveu

Cool, thanks! 🙂 Too bad it crashed though, lame. 🙁

I posted my crash log on github.