• Runtimes
  • Attachments keyed in an anim arent getting carried over to the next anim??


We recently upgraded to the latest version of Spine. It's working great, but our animators are complaining that the attachments they're keying in an animation aren't getting carried over to the next animation. Instead the next animation takes the setup attachment.

I debugged it and I've narrowed it down to this line but it seems like its intentional.

Would appreciate some help on what we're doing wrong or how to overcome this.

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To be clear - we need the attachment keyed in anim1 to be carried over to anim2, not for anim2 to take the setup attachment. I am using LibGDX.

Can you share one of the skeletons and the sequence of animations you are queuing up? What version did you upgrade from?



    Here you go

    In your runtime play the "idle" animation first in a loop. Then on a key-pressed or mouse pressed event switch to the "action" animation (non-looped).


    Here's a video of what it looks like for me. We expect it to scale the square in place instead of bringing it back to setup mode.

    We upgraded from Version 3.5.xx I think.

    It's possible I've screwed something in the upgrade process lol

    If it plays differently for you let me know

    My apologies, I missed your replies. In your Spine project, you have a single slot called test which has two attachments, blue and white. The idle animation keys the blue attachment, so it becomes active when you playback idle. The action animation does not key any attachment, so it uses the attachment for the slot in setup pose. This is the expected behaviour in 4.1 (and I even think in 4.0).

    Now, I've tried to locate the code you highlighted in your screenshot, but that's not what's found in the 4.1 branch in AnimationState.java on line 339. What runtime version are you using?

      Mario My apologies, I missed your replies. In your Spine project, you have a single slot called test which has two attachments, blue and white. The idle animation keys the blue attachment, so it becomes active when you playback idle. The action animation does not key any attachment, so it uses the attachment for the slot in setup pose. This is the expected behaviour in 4.1 (and I even think in 4.0).

      Ok interesting. How would I achieve the old behaviour then? Are we expected to key in every non-setup bone/slot at the start of the animation?

      If you want an attachment to be active in a slot that's not the attachment used in the setup pose, then yes, you have to key it.


        Ah I see. What kind of changes would I have to make to bring back the old behaviour? I can stop it from using set-up attachments by commenting out the code i highlighted above. But I'm not sure how to stop bone SRTs from happening.

        For reference this is the line I was talking about.