RalphYDY I used SkeletonPartsRenderer to separated animation, each Separate subanimations add the SortingGroup Componet,I want part of subanimations to interact with the mask , How should I set it?
Harald RalphYDY Unfortunately there is no built-in way available at the skeleton components yet (it is planned in this issue ticket but will be integrated after other preceding code modification). We have quickly written a script which shall serve as a solution for now. Simply attach it to each parts renderer GameObject and then assign the respective _InsideMask and _OutsideMask materials at the Custom Materials property array. The script is available for download here: https://esotericsoftware.com/files/runtimes/unity/partsrenderer-materials/PartsRendererCustomMaterialsV1.0.zip Please let us know if this resolves your issue. You can also subscribe to the issue ticket to receive notifications upon any updates.
RalphYDY Harald Thank you for your reply,It resolves my issue!I look forward to you completing the issue ticket.
Harald RalphYDY Harald Thank you for your reply,It resolves my issue! Thanks for confirming, glad it helped!