• Editor
  • Convert Spine 2.1.27 .JSON file to spine 3.4.02 .SKEL file

Hello, good day. I have some files in .JSON format from the SPINE 2.1.27 version and I want to convert them to .SKEL from SPINE 3.4.02 so that they are compatible with me. If I buy the license, would it be possible to do that conversion?

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Yes, with the full version of Spine you can run 2.1.27, import the JSON, save a .spine project file, run 3.4.02, and open the project file there so you can export it as binary (.skel). Unfortunately 2.1.27 doesn't support command line import, so you will need to do this operation manually using the Spine editor UI.

Please note if your skeletons are using Spine Professional features that you'll need Spine Professional rather than Spine Essential.

3.4 is more than 7 years old. I strongly suggest using 4.1, not 3.4. There have been literally thousands of improvements to Spine and the Spine Runtimes since 3.4!

    Nate Hello, good day, thanks for answering, I did not understand this point very well since I am a bit new.

    "Unfortunately, 2.1.27 does not support command line import, so you will need to do this manually using the Spine editor UI."

    can you explain a little better, thanks

    Sure, no problem. If you have many JSON files you need to perform these actions on, you could write script using the command line interface:
    However, 2.1.27 doesn't support importing that way, so you have to do it manually by clicking in the Spine editor UI.

      Nate Ok I understand perfectly, thank you very much.

      Regarding the Spine Essential version, it may not work? if the files are from the Spine Professional version

        victogranados96 To be precise, if the skeleton was created in Spine Professional but only uses features available in Spine Essential, it should import successfully. You only need to use Spine Professional to import skeletons that contain Spine Professional features.

        You can upgrade from Spine Essential to Spine Professional at any time for the difference in price, so you might want to buy Spine Essential first, try it out, and if you can't import it, upgrade your license to Professional.

          um mês depois

          I bought the professional version, I imported the json and the corresponding images but when I try to export the .json binary with atlas I get this error. and does not produce any atlas

            victogranados96 From the screenshot you attached, it looks like there are attachments that are "MISSING" in the viewport. Did you attempt to export the skeleton as is? If so, you should get that error because of the missing images. Make sure that the corresponding images are displayed for the attachments before exporting.

            If the truth is I'm new and I almost don't understand but if I imported the images and the .json file I didn't do anything else, do I need to do something else? I only imported images and .json and I gave it export to .json binary with atlas, I have not done anything else

              victogranados96 From the screenshot you attached, there are a number of red boxes marked "MISSING" in the viewport. This means that Spine cannot find the correct image set in the attachment's image path.

              An attachment's image path can be found in the properties displayed at the bottom of the Tree view when the attachment is selected, as shown in the following image:

              The image path of the attachment is combined with the images path, which can be found when the `Images' node is selected in the Tree view, like the following image:

              In this example, the images path is . /images/, so the eye-indifferent attachment refers to the image named "eye-indifferent" in the folder named images, which is located in the same folder as the Spine project.

              Importing skeleton data (in your case, the .json file) does not set the images path, so if you do not set the images path, the image path for each region or mesh attachment will be incorrect and they will be marked as MISSING. In this state, this error occurs because the correct images cannot be found when packing the texture atlas of the skeleton.
              Therefore, please fix the images path or image path for each attachment so that the correct images are displayed in the viewport before exporting your skeleton.

              The following blog post may be helpful for you:
              Blog: Importing skeleton data

                Misaki Thank you very much, he can now export with your help, now try if it works for what I want, really thank you very much for your help and for your time

                  Misaki Sorry if it bothers you so much, but I just tried and it works perfectly, but it doesn't have any kind of animation, it doesn't move, do you have any idea why?

                  I'm importing it into a cocos2d game

                  Hello, I want to export the animation in png and also with a binary .json file but it only exports in .atlas like this example

                  JSON is a text format and human readable. Binary is not human readable but it's smaller and faster to load.

                  Exporting images gives you each frame of the animation. It sounds like you want to use JSON export, not PNG export. You can either export an atlas during your JSON export, or you can run the texture packer separately. See:

                  I already tried but it did not work for what I wanted, I tell you it works when exporting but when integrating it into the game the character does not move, it remains still and I have other files that do work perfectly, they use movements and work perfectly for example these and I would like that they were also like these I attach files that work
