• Tutorials
  • [Editor] [Video] Run animation tutorial

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This 15 minute video shows how to do a run animation in Spine:

Supporting files ZIP

This video covers:

  • Exporting from Photoshop.

  • Importing the images into Spine.

  • Rigging the skeleton.

  • Creating the run animation poses.

  • Adjusting key interpolation curves.

  • Fixing feet that penetrate the ground.

Hopefully you find it useful!

6 dias depois

Yep, that's cool squash on the head and torso. 🙂 Couldn't fit it in a 15 minute video! 8)

hurry up~ photoshop script!! 🙂 🙂

You can find the photoshop script where you installed Spine in the scripts/photoshop folder

I love how the workflow is fluid with hotkeys.

As commented in Youtube I would like to suggest a way to set keyframes to all meshes or attachments just like the buttons in the translation painel.
My projects have some attachment that change depending to the pose or animation for example 5 faces, 3 right arm, 2 hands...
I have to seek between 20+ bones and click one by one to set the first attachment every time I make a new animation.
Even for attachments that doesn't change because you'll get issues at runtime when change one animation to another.

Keying many mesh attachments will cause a bit of extra work in the runtimes. Every frame it will set the vertices for those attachments. One way to avoid this is to use setSlotsToSetupPose between animations at runtime, though this prevents crossfading animations. If you must do it, I suppose clicking a key button in the tree could affect all selected items. You could then use the tree filter to show only attachments, shift+click to select all attachments, and click key on any of them to key them all. Added task:
https://trello.com/c/2iSzY9CX/130-tree- ... -selection

9 meses depois

Thanks for the explanation.
This for sure is more wise than set key for them all.
Since I use GameMaker and don't have acess to the internal Spine functions I have do same coding to imitate that method.