• RuntimesUnity
  • URP Skeleton Lit not working well in some animations

I received some Spine data from our designer that includes several animations. While working on it, I modified the shaders to URP/2D/Spine/Skeleton Lit and added them to a URP 2D Shaders scene. However, I noticed an issue: some animations (e.g., the cat) render correctly, but others (e.g., the fire) do not. (the fire should be hidden in the dark but is currently visible.)
I’ve attached the Spine data for further investigation. Could you please advise on how to make the fire animation appear look like with the cat animation?

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Spinebot all checked, but nothing happen...🙁

    haquangvu Sorry Spinebot's response was not helpful. I have removed it to avoid confusion.
    I checked your skeleton data and the flame has the slot blend mode set to Additive, so I think it should be in the expected behavior for this to glow. If you want the flame to be affected by the lights, try changing the blend mode to Normal.

    9 dias depois

    @haquangvu For sake of completeness, please note that if you use the Spine URP 2D shader Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Spine/Skeleton Lit, you could enable the Material property Light Affects Additive. Nevertheless, using Normal slot blend mode as Misaki suggested would be the easiest solution. Sorry for the late reply.