• Editor
  • Spine to Adobe Flash?

So, I love Spine- I have the whole Adobe Suite, and still bought Spine because it works the way I think- and is great (and isn't prejudiced against non vector graphics)! But, I want to do something specific.

I'd like to be able to give out a flash animation (SWF, if I recall). Why? Because with Flash, I can simply make a few different animations, add buttons, and allow someone to flip through the animations, we've all seen this. The Flash file (SWF) is also a well recognized file type, and a lot of sites/galleries allow you to directly load and play a Flash animation. So I want to combine the ease and range of use that Spine has, while exporting the recognized flash format with buttons in the animation.

Does anyone know a good workflow for pulling this off? Can you port the bones, or something convenient? Or do you just have to render, frame for frame and then load every frame in the timeline (I imagine that library would get heavy)?


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I don't think this is possible as Spine works in a very different way than flash. You would've to use Html5 if you want to host the animations in a website and add buttons and stuff. I tried using Libgdx and it works pretty well.

StringKiller escreveu

I don't think this is possible as Spine works in a very different way than flash. You would've to use Html5 if you want to host the animations in a website and add buttons and stuff. I tried using Libgdx and it works pretty well.

Hrm, that's a shame. I'm really looking to output a flash file, specifically, because so many sites/browsers automatically support them- for example, newgrounds. You can just play a game made in flash, on newgrounds. And Flash is easy enough to just add buttons to.

Unity is getting closer to it, but people still have to download the unity viewer, and not all sites just let you run unity on the page. It'd also be the tougher solution for something as simple as a multi stage animation (like showing off a run animation, walk animation, and attack animation, at the same time, without making a giant and long gif).

Thanks for the reply.

Eh, sure you can do this with Spine. Spine has two runtimes for Flash: spine-as3 (cannot use meshes) and spine-starling (can use meshes, 3D accelerated). Eg, spine-as3:
http://esotericsoftware.com/files/runti ... /spineboy/
You can see it's just a SWF:
http://esotericsoftware.com/files/runti ... y/Main.swf

We could maybe add an export type to Spine so it can output a SWF, though I expect it would need to be quite configurable. Until then you'll have to use AS3.

Some Starling demos:

Raptor (shows IK, meshes, skinning, FFD)
Goblins (shows meshes, skinning, FFD)
Spineboy (done with Spine Essential)

7 dias depois

Thank you very much for the correction, Nate! I have no clue what that all means, but it looks like I need to download a program called 'starling' to port my animations over to, and can add as3 code buttons in that (I've done that in flash- just simple code that happens when you click the button)? I'll figure it out, I guess, haha. At least I know it's there!

Thanks, again.

2 anos depois


I am trying to import my jason file to flash, however i got really frustrated after many trials in flash i get nothing no errrors however my animation does not load at all, so can you please advice what export setting should i use, or do you have any idea of what i can do to resolve this issue??

Thanks a lot.

noor, you'll need to use a Flash IDE (and optionally Starling) to playback Spine animations with Flash. You can't import Spine data directly into Flash because Flash doesn't have the same capabilities as Spine.

10 meses depois


Same goes for me. I would like to create a video animation by using Spine + Adobe Flash. I might be new, what I notice is Spine does not have point camera for creating video Animation. So, I'm looking a way how to import Spine character animation and merge it with Adobe Flash because that's the only way for me to create a Video scene Animation. (Is it possible?)


If you use the visual Flash editor and don't want to write code, there's currently no way to get Spine animations into Flash other than exporting from Spine as image sequences or videos (can't remember if Flash let's you embed videos).