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cocos2d-x shearing bones causes application to crash
I get issues when ever I key shearing to a bone. An animation will work normally without any sheared bones, then if I add any shearing, at runtime it will tell me that the animation cannot be found. Additionally my application crashes whenever I change scenes or close the app which probably means the animation is not getting properly disposed of. Also the animation doesn't need to actually be played for the app to crash. And no shear transformations need to actually take place, as long as a bone has shearing keyed then my application crashes. Thoughts?
Can you provide a reproduction case? I load and playback animations with shearing in cocos2d-x just fine on my end.
Ok after screwing around with it a bit more I realized my issue is version related. My game is using cocos2d-x v3.10. I created a blank project with v3.10 and shearing didn't work just like in my game. Then I created a blank project with the most up to date version (v3.13.1) and shearing worked fine. Thank you for the reply.
Cocos2d-x ships their own fork of the Spine Cocos2d-x runtime. Please use our official runtime instead. See the README here spine-runtimes/spine-cocos2dx at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes · GitHub