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OSX problems
On 3.4.02
Serious problems where Spine doesn't even start up. It says its open but "not responding". I'm on OS X El Capitan with a late 2015 iMac.
Hope this can be fixed soon.
Edit: Re-installing seems to fix the problem temporarily.
OK. We will try to reproduce the problem on El Capitan, but I have a hunch it's related to some interaction with other software.
Sketch, Xcode, sourcetree, discord
might be some good starting points
Could you try starting it from the terminal? Simple fire up the Terminal app, then execute
Please post the output on the terminal here. Please also post the content of your log files located in <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Starts flawlessly from terminal. On sierra now... Still similar problem where it just doesn't want to start from dock.
Spine Launcher 3.5.01
Mac OS X x86_64 10.12.1
Java 1.7.0_51 Esoteric Software
64-bit Server VM
Up to date: Spine 3.4.02
Spine 3.4.02 Professional, JGLFW
Licensed to: (removed for privacy)
ATI Technologies Inc.
AMD Radeon R9 M380 OpenGL Engine
2.1 ATI-1.46.22
Spine Launcher 3.5.01
Mac OS X x86_64 10.12.1
Java 1.7.0_51 Esoteric Software
64-bit Server VM
Up to date: Spine 3.4.02
Spine 3.4.02 Professional, JGLFW
Licensed to: (removed for privacy)
ATI Technologies Inc.
AMD Radeon R9 M380 OpenGL Engine
2.1 ATI-1.46.22
2016-11-08 13:22:26.233 Spine[40409:959327] IMKInputSession presentFunctionRowItemTextInputViewWithEndpoint:completionHandler: : NO NSRemoteViewController to client, NSError=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection from pid 0 was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection from pid 0 was invalidated from this process.}, com.apple.inputmethod.EmojiFunctionRowItem
Also, I can't seem to make the tree take up the right side of the screen anymore, don't know if this is intentional, but its bad for big trees.
Red flashing when trying to resize the window:
I've created two issues here:
Flashing on resize on macOS · #129 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
Editor refuses to start from macOS dock · #130 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
I can not reproduce the "can't start from dock" issue on my end, on either El Capitan or Sierra. The logs you provided look OK to me. I did however notice that starting Spine (and other apps like Slack, Chrome, etc.) on Sierra takes longer to show the initial UI.
For the resize flash, we'll have to talk to the GLFW guys who provide the OS bindings for window and OpenGL context management.
Could you elaborate on the hierarchy view not being resizable? I don't see a reason for that not working http://sht.tl/WXvVNV
Here's a video of Spine not starting from dock, and ending up "not responding". I doubt I'm the only one experiencing this issue.
What I meant is that I want the tree to be able to take up the right side of the screen, and not have the dopesheet in the way. Maybe this is no longer possible, but here I try to do it:
Are you guys testing with dual monitor setups?
I work on a dual monitor setup on macOS Sierra 25% of my time. I'm using spotlight to fire up Spine, and have essentially banished the dock from my workflows. However, I tried reproducing the dock issues, but couldn't so far. Did you install Spine in /Applications or somewhere else?
I get the issue with the tree view now. I assume you want it to fill up the entire right side like at 0:24 in the video. Here's the funky part, i got exactly that setup O_o http://sht.tl/lMciAY. I tried minimizing/closing in various permutations, but it always ended up like in the image above.
I have a feeling you are the unluckiest Spine user I keep investigating the dock issue. I got a second Mac machine I can test on later this week.
Regarding the tree, when you move the tree next to the dopesheet, it splits the dopesheet. If you want the tree to be the full height, you just need to move the dopesheet, not the tree. This is the same way splitting panes are moved around in most programs.
It is installed in Applications.
Unlucky me!
Could you give the latest beta 3.5.13 a try? The flashing should be gone.
Nice "meows" lol. The window doesn't flicker red anymore but the top bar does.
I still have problems launching, it finally opens after 2-3 tries of (not responding)
Ha, I'll remove those right meow!
Unfortunately we probably can't improve the flashing much, not until we revamp our windowing. We have plans for that, but lots of things need to come first.
As for not launching, it's bizarre that we don't see the same issue having tested Spine on many Macs. This makes it near impossible to fix, as it could be almost anything during initialization. Since it doesn't seem to happen on a fresh OS X, I expect there is some OS X configuration or other software interacting with Spine. I'm not sure what we can do to reveal more details about the problem. There shouldn't be anything different about launching from the dock, though that is our best clue.
One last ditch effort to resolve the dock problem: Could you open the "Console" App, select "system.log" on the left, then click the "Clear" button at the top of the window, then launch Spine. Wait until it doesn't launch and freezes, and post the output in the Console app here please.
I've always had problems with Spine loading on OSX. For me, I've found the problem is related to TotalSpaces 2, a utility app. If I'm having loading problems, I've found that if I keep the window focus on a Finder window as Spine is starting, it will more-often load successfully.
It's very annoying, but something I have to live with.
Still happening. Here's what it says in the console:
Jul 4 13:25:26
last message repeated 14 times
Jul 4 13:25:26 Brians-iMac com.apple.usbmuxd[101]: notice Log from 9-887a6af4cf91a65eaccc31932ca01d1a11f54817@0x14100000: handleConnectResult new session to port 55335 failed: 61