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  • Merging multiple skeletons into 1 texture atlas

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Hello again!

I dont know if this kind of feature exists but I'm AFAIK its not. So pretty self explanatory we want to merge multiple skeletons into one atlas instead of multiple and JSON files can read all from that merged atlas. Of course if that is exceeding max texture size Spine can create second texture and so on. Would that be possible for you to implement? Currently the problem we're having is too much textures and too much empty spaces in our atlasses.


You can already do that. When exporting your skeletons, only export the skeletons themselves. Then create a single texture atlas from the images of all your skeletons using the texture packer Texture Packing - Spine User Guide

It would be great it there was an option in export settings so we could use Spine CLI for export in that case.
Now we use TexturePacker instead as workaround.