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[Unofficial addon] Spine Buddy for quickly applying filter.
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Instead of waiting for months :x , I decided to give it a try and spend a few hours to write a tool to help do quick filtering.
The tool allow you to do pre-defined custom filtering with just a single click. It also automatically give back the focus to Spine after the click. Workflow should be very smooth.
Here is the result:
You can download the program here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtvZrOJIVJhLxHKhlVNgTYExaDpN
(updated on 17-dec to fix a crash when trying to run the tool without Spine running first.)
(Don't worry, its has no virus or anything harmful. I am just an indie developer. )
Note: It is a Windows application. It WON'T run in other OS like the MadOS. I only test it on my own PC but should run on your PC too.
This program make use of AutoHotKey to simulate key presses. Be sure to read the ReadMe.txt to make sure you have things setup.
There was originally plan for make this tool more powerful:
-filtering on certain type of item (require shortcut toggle type filtering)
-multi selections (require regular expression support)
-one click toggling visibility of a group. e.g. for fast switching character perspective / expression (require shortcut and select filtered result and shortcut to do the toggle)
However, I sense that staffs here don't even brother to response to my feature request and issue report anymore. I guess they either find me being too annoying or are not happy with some of the discussions in this forum. Thus, nothing can be done further. This is it. Enjoy this first and probably final release.
You could leave a thanks below if you find this tool helpful. This will help keep this post in first page and get more people know and use it until official provide their own version naively in Spine.
fantasyz escreveuInstead of waiting for months
We go to great lengths to listen to everyone's input and to quickly turnaround requests, sometimes in the same day. Passive aggressive jabs are not appreciated.
fantasyz escreveuI sense that staffs here don't even brother to response to my feature request and issue report anymore. I guess they either find me being too annoying or are not happy with some of the discussions in this forum.
You posted 4 topics in one day, plus posts in other topics. Your topics are not ignored, we just have not gotten to them yet. We are working on finishing up 3.7 and you are not the only person we need to support. You have been very active lately and have seen a lot of our attention the past few weeks. We have implemented features and made changes specifically for you. That you now complain you don't get enough attention is surprising.
If your aim is to manipulate us into doing what you want, I can guarantee you that approach will not work. If anything, it will have the opposite effect. We carefully listen to and respect the feedback you and everyone else provides. We have a lot to balance and cannot make everyone happy all the time, despite striving for that. We must prioritize our efforts and may not be able to implement what you want right away. We do record your feedback though and if we can't do it now, we will come back to it when we can.
Passive aggressive jabs are not appreciated.
Sorry about that. (I already changed the word from ... to months before I post to make it less aggressive.)
You posted 4 topics in one day, plus posts in other topics. Your topics are not ignored, we just have not gotten to them yet.
All my suggestions, issue report, discussion here only have one objective, to help make Spine became a better software no matter how they are presented. (either a direct advice or even comparing it with other software and see the pros and cons). Yes, I do made quite a number of post in the last few days. But that should not lead to my issue reports and suggestions being ignored. (I would say it is 'ignored' based on how fast other topics get their response. All the timestamps are recorded you can't lie about it) It just happen that I tried the beta and found some beta bugs, issues, design faults and have suggestions altogether in a short period of time. Just ask yourself if those topics are posted by different people, will your staff ignore them? What I want to say is, a profession staff should focus on the topic content (suggestion, idea or report) whether it is right or not, not the frequency of how the author post. IMO, all suggestions, issue reports, advice should have equal attention. Now, obviously my latest posts are being ignore. (sigh, I don't care anymore, this affect the quality of your software, not mine. Please keep ignoring them)
We have implemented features and made changes specifically for you. That you now complain you don't get enough attention is surprising.
I am also surprised on how you think about the situation. You seems like a little confused now. You are making features for your software. Please don't say its specifically for me. I am not the only one who want a particular feature. If I want a feature and I found such request exist in the forum, I would not post the same request too. No feature I requested is made specifically for me unless you write some code in Spine and make those feature only work for my account. Again, attention should be paid equally to to topic/content, not the user. If I filed 100 bug reports, are you going to say "Oh man, this guy is posting more than 10 topics in four days, let's start ignoring his topics."?
If your aim is to manipulate us into doing what you want, I can guarantee you that approach will not work.
My aim is to lead you guys to do what a busy spine user want. Please focus on the content and topic, not the approach that I use to present the demand. Should think critically whether what I want is also what other spine user want. If you evaluated the request and think that the request does not worth doing, no practical, not realistic or not good enough, and decide not to do it, I am fine with that. At least I tried my part of rising the issue or suggestion.
If anything, it will have the opposite effect.
Hmm....I can guarantee you this approach will not work. What I want is also what other people want, a better spine editor. e.g.those curve editor, x/y, separation, grouping, locking, etc. If anything (what does it even mean?), are you going to do the opposite and skip/delay those features? I can imagine the user base will suffer if you make things personal.
This is it. Although it is not a very good experience interacting in this forum, but I have to say thank you for making the Spine software. I don't want to continue this conversation anymore. It is a little sad and not very constructive and is against the intention of this topic.
All of our work gets queued and we get to it as soon as we can. You may see us respond to other forum posts first, but this does not mean your posts and issues are ignored. Usually it's just that we handle the easiest answers first, to get them out of the way, especially when responding outside of work hours or on the weekends (like right now). You should not feel singled out. We have plenty of work older than your posts that we have not been able to get to. It is a difficult juggling act.
We work extremely hard to provide the best support possible. Your expectations about how fast we should service your posts and issues are just not reasonable. After not getting a response for a couple of days, you made posts that came off as abrasive and manipulative. Text is a poor communication medium, so it is best to confront you about it directly. These forums must be a friendly place, both for Spine users and our staff.
Please don't become discouraged or criticize us if you don't get a response right away or the features you want implemented right away. You aren't able to see the whole story regarding our workload, but I promise you that we are working as hard as we possibly can.
I do not mean to discourage you or turn you away. You obviously care a lot about Spine. Your feedback has helped to improve Spine in many ways and I truly hope you keep contributing.