
  • 25 de Fev de 2021
  • Entrou em 7 de Jun de 2017
  • Thank you for the quick update!

  • it is absolutely normal to see a star because u have selected multiple nodes and they have different values. Just like I ask you how long is your hair but you cannot give me an exact value because you have hairs with different length.

  • I don't use zooming on the timeline very much but the old one seems more consistent and natural as zooming on the canvas. I usually just use the scroll and I actually would like to have an option to disable zooming on timeline because most of the times I just want to scroll but the cursor sometimes just over the zooming area and the scroll become zoom operation unexpectedly.

  • can we set bones to follow skins so that some bones will be hidden for unrelated skins? i could imagine it would be very messy when my character supports multiple hair styles in the next update.

  • I actually want a hotkey for this. Please let me know if you guys found a hidden hotkey...

  • My guess is the export setting that simplify animations. That setting will prune keys that is same as setup pose.

  • I donno why but the export and export preview is incorrect on my side. The tail is not moving at all.
    You can see from the Preview view, the tail is moving correctly but in the export preview, the path and tail is not mapped.

    Watch the exporting video cap here (I don't know why this one can't be uploaded directly here, maybe a little too large):!AtvZrOJIVJhLxHRwzUOZw953wY25

    and here is the export with path enabled:

    It is using the same project I attached to this thread.

  • The tail of my character is not animated in gif export. It is however playing correctly in preview panel (not the preview in export but the general preview tool). I am using the latest version.

    Project file attached for reproducing the bug.

  • Tried the new runtime, the previous issue is fixed.

    However, for this particular character, I found that the tint black is not work correctly. Other units are doing fine without rainbow color. They share the same code for loading. My initial guess is that there are setting or data differences.

    According to :

    In the Unity Editor, the changes may not all be applied together so you may need to enter and exit play mode to force a new mesh to be generated according to the settings.

    When the setup is incorrect, instead of the color you want, the mesh may look rainbow-colored, as in the case where Tint Black was not enabled on the component. In this case, make sure the setup is correct and you try to enter and exit play mode to refresh the meshes.

    I double checked the material and the Tint Black (!) option under "advance".
    The config should be correct. Enter/Exit play mode doesn't fix the rainbow issue.
    (You can see the Tint Black checked before I press the play button the 1st time. )
    You can test it with the existing grayscale export.

  • Passive aggressive jabs are not appreciated.

    Sorry about that. (I already changed the word from ... to months before I post to make it less aggressive.)

    You posted 4 topics in one day, plus posts in other topics. Your topics are not ignored, we just have not gotten to them yet.

    All my suggestions, issue report, discussion here only have one objective, to help make Spine became a better software no matter how they are presented. (either a direct advice or even comparing it with other software and see the pros and cons). Yes, I do made quite a number of post in the last few days. But that should not lead to my issue reports and suggestions being ignored. (I would say it is 'ignored' based on how fast other topics get their response. All the timestamps are recorded you can't lie about it) It just happen that I tried the beta and found some beta bugs, issues, design faults and have suggestions altogether in a short period of time. Just ask yourself if those topics are posted by different people, will your staff ignore them? What I want to say is, a profession staff should focus on the topic content (suggestion, idea or report) whether it is right or not, not the frequency of how the author post. IMO, all suggestions, issue reports, advice should have equal attention. Now, obviously my latest posts are being ignore. (sigh, I don't care anymore, this affect the quality of your software, not mine. Please keep ignoring them)

    We have implemented features and made changes specifically for you. That you now complain you don't get enough attention is surprising.

    I am also surprised on how you think about the situation. You seems like a little confused now. You are making features for your software. Please don't say its specifically for me. I am not the only one who want a particular feature. If I want a feature and I found such request exist in the forum, I would not post the same request too. No feature I requested is made specifically for me unless you write some code in Spine and make those feature only work for my account. Again, attention should be paid equally to to topic/content, not the user. If I filed 100 bug reports, are you going to say "Oh man, this guy is posting more than 10 topics in four days, let's start ignoring his topics."?

    If your aim is to manipulate us into doing what you want, I can guarantee you that approach will not work.

    My aim is to lead you guys to do what a busy spine user want. Please focus on the content and topic, not the approach that I use to present the demand. Should think critically whether what I want is also what other spine user want. If you evaluated the request and think that the request does not worth doing, no practical, not realistic or not good enough, and decide not to do it, I am fine with that. At least I tried my part of rising the issue or suggestion.

    If anything, it will have the opposite effect.

    Hmm....I can guarantee you this approach will not work. What I want is also what other people want, a better spine editor. e.g.those curve editor, x/y, separation, grouping, locking, etc. If anything (what does it even mean?), are you going to do the opposite and skip/delay those features? I can imagine the user base will suffer if you make things personal.

    This is it. Although it is not a very good experience interacting in this forum, but I have to say thank you for making the Spine software. I don't want to continue this conversation anymore. It is a little sad and not very constructive and is against the intention of this topic.

  • Instead of waiting for months :x , I decided to give it a try and spend a few hours to write a tool to help do quick filtering.

    The tool allow you to do pre-defined custom filtering with just a single click. It also automatically give back the focus to Spine after the click. Workflow should be very smooth.

    Here is the result:

    You can download the program here:!AtvZrOJIVJhLxHKhlVNgTYExaDpN
    (updated on 17-dec to fix a crash when trying to run the tool without Spine running first.)
    (Don't worry, its has no virus or anything harmful. I am just an indie developer. )
    Note: It is a Windows application. It WON'T run in other OS like the MadOS. I only test it on my own PC but should run on your PC too.

    This program make use of AutoHotKey to simulate key presses. Be sure to read the ReadMe.txt to make sure you have things setup.

    There was originally plan for make this tool more powerful:
    -filtering on certain type of item (require shortcut toggle type filtering)
    -multi selections (require regular expression support)
    -one click toggling visibility of a group. e.g. for fast switching character perspective / expression (require shortcut and select filtered result and shortcut to do the toggle)

    However, I sense that staffs here don't even brother to response to my feature request and issue report anymore. I guess they either find me being too annoying or are not happy with some of the discussions in this forum. Thus, nothing can be done further. This is it. Enjoy this first and probably final release.

    You could leave a thanks below if you find this tool helpful. This will help keep this post in first page and get more people know and use it until official provide their own version naively in Spine.

  • Its nice to know I am not alone 😃

    There is actually a little story about me requesting this feature 9 months ago.
    As half of my blood is a programmer and I was handling lots of characters during that time, I sense that auto generating mesh outline for shapes is a must do for a mesh-based animating software like Spine. Making the mesh cost me lots of time. From my understanding, people choose Spine is because we want high quality animation for game with minimum efforts. Something like playing audio IMO is crossing the line and is a burden as the software has one more component to maintain against different runtime. (Not to mention creating a simple testing editor to test spine animation with audio timing in unity is just a one day work. I actually don't see the point of supporting audio from spine.) Anyway, I then posted this feature request trying to draw spine team's attention saying that this could be a selling point compared to competitor like Dragon Bone Pro (1st post). After a little discussion and feeling that this feature won't make it in the next few years, I went on to check out DBP again as it mentioned "open source" in its website. Maybe I could do it myself on DBP and use it for mesh generation then export back to Spine for rigging/animating. (In fact, I found out the editor is not open source, only certain plugin is) As I try to understand more about DBP, I found this from one of their old blog post:

    That's right, they actually gave it a try way before I think of it and post my request. I don't know what algorithm they use but its not accurate enough and can be improved in my opinion. The line is too close to the color pixels. All they need to do it to push the vertex outward and do some density clean up. Here is how it is doing:

    The sad part is I already get use to Spine editor. I enjoy using Spine and I don't want to change. The development of DBP seems to be slowing down as well. Maybe the group lacks funding as their software does not earn them money. Moreover its editor is not open source. I cannot change their stuff to make it work like spine. I realize that most of the features I want, some of them are available in Spine and some of them are in DBP. I as a user I can do nothing about it. All I can do is to post request hoping that one day my wish get fulfilled. (and I have lots of wishes :p)

    Is this feature very far away from us? No one can tell.
    Maybe one day DBP polished this feature and give spine team enough pressure ... (...I am dreaming again... :bang: )

  • Nate escreveu

    @[excluído], it's probably best not to encode game data in Spine. It may be convenient but, eg needing to edit your skeleton/animations to change the damage an enemy does probably isn't ideal. Still, we have an issue for arbitrary properties:

    I think AxiomVerge maybe suggestion something like tag. Not key/value pair.
    Well, if tag is available, it can be used to apply filter too.
    e.g. when all parts of head is tagged "head", can do quick filtering to filter out non head parts from the skeleton tree.
    Can be done easily by entering the tag name to current search box and auto turn on filter mode with search target switch to tags instead of item names.
    But the hierarchy could became very messy when items have too many tags on it unless tag can be optionally hidden from the name.

    It is a nice to have feature but I am not sure how much priority will this feature get as there are something more demanded in the TODO list. Most importantly, AxiomVerge is doing fine with parsing the name. :rofl:

  • Nate escreveu

    FWIW, the fast way to copy a key is ctrl+shift+drag a key. Not as useful as a setting like in the issue above, but it may help.

    Haha, I was trying to use AutoHotKey script to map [Ctrl + Let / Right] to copy current key to one end. e.g. [CTRL+C ] [Q/E] [CTRL+V]
    but found that the CTRL key cannot be sent to spine. I guess you did the input handling with direct query on actual key state of the CTRL key. My current wish is not synchronized start/end key but just a (two actually) shortcut to copy the selected key to first / last frame...

  • I notice that I can use * to search simple pattern. But I want to do some cool stuff with the search filter. At least I need the OR operator to work. Regex is more standard and powerful so I am suggesting to make the search support regex search.

    If possible I also want a shortcut mapping to select all results.
    There is ready mapping to jump to next one, previous one but no select all shortcut.

    Search: ENTER
    Search - Next: F3
    Search - Previous: shift + F3
    Search - All: <

    I want something like this[/b]
    Search - Clear: ESCAPE

  • After saving the project, doing the following will mark the project dirty again:

    • switch from Animation mode to Setup mode
    • switching active animation
    • exporting (occasional)

    When no editing action is performed, will it be better if treat it as clean?

    It seems like no that simple.
    Sometime when switched animation and title bar show the dirty aster, the dirty state will get erased after getting back to Edit mode.