
  • 1 de Set de 2024
  • Entrou em 20 de Dez de 2018
  • Harald Likely the problem was due to different addressable groups of the SkeletonGraphic instance and the referenced material.

    I actually put the material on the same group to test and the same issue happened.
    But looks like the issue isn't related to spine itself, later I had the same issue with a material on a SpriteRenderer (loaded the same way, as dependency of a parent prefab)

    • The spinebot suggestion of auto reapplying the material after prefab loading worked!

      Thank you!

    • I'm currently using Spine to show Live2D artwork for each character in my game inside the UI.
      I'm adjusting it inside a prefab that is marked as Addressable, also marked as Addressable all spine assets needed.
      The material used is a copy of the spine built-in "SkeletonGraphicDefault-CanvasGroupStraight", and also marked as addressable.

      Issue happens when I load the prefab through addressable system, spine looks like not using the linked material but instead creating a copy of it without the required shader features.
      Everything else is correctly being loaded from addressables; if I just reapply the material on the loaded object it works as expected, what imply that material is the only issue.

      Inspector after loading with addressable:

      Inspector after just re-apply the correct material:

      Thank you for your time

      • Thank you @Majicpanda, I had the same problem, spine was using center instead pivot for transparency order, and adding Sorting Group fixed that.