
  • 29 de Ago de 2019
  • Entrou em 28 de Ago de 2019
  • Ah ok cool, I miss-understood the pervious thread. Thanks so much for clarifying! Awesome to know it can be achieved readily.

  • Sorry! My bad! And yep, I'd trawled the forums a fair bit so had seen the previous thread but wasn't sure if anything had changed since then. Thanks heaps, will look out for any responses🙂

  • Hello!

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post in, completely new to Spine and feeling out my options- I'm looking at purchasing Spine for use in a game that will be built in Unity, and I was wondering if there was currently any pathways to achieve motion blur rendered on spine assets inside of unity? So far as I can tell there isn't, as Unity doesn't view bone data in the same way as sprites ect. But just wanted to confirm this was the case and there was no way to achieve blur inside the engine on Spine assets whatsoever.

    Thanks heaps,