Hey guys, sorry for the extra late answer, thank you all for the kind words about our work it's really cheering :')
Can't wait to share our new project with Spine!

- há 10 dias
- Entrou em 14 de Dez de 2015
Thanks for adding it to the roadmap
For now I duplicate the mesh before reseting it, then manually copy past all key frames from the old to the new. It's not the best, but at least I don't lose everything!
Quite note: when you need to reset a Mesh and want to save its key frames, all you have to do is:
- Duplicate the Mesh you want to reset
- Reset the duplicated Mesh
- Copy its vertices' positions (which are the new proper positions)
- Past these positions onto the original Mesh vertices (which still has all its key frames!)
All keys frames are preserved and updated properly, it's the best way I've found since it doesn't require to go manually in each animations to copy past the vertices positions... (that was kinda dumb of me actually :think
Hello Erika, thanks for your answer and for your attention
Your first solution would be the right for me.
It seems to me that it's currently a bit inconsistent UX wise:
- Case 1: When I modify my mesh in Setup pose, Spine doesn't remove the key frames.
- Case 2: When I Reset my mesh (aka modify the mesh back to original), Spine wants to remove all keys frames...
In my case, this behavior is 100% undesirable, in all scenarios. Again, if I wants to remove all the key frames of that mesh, it's easy to remove the attachment, or check off the mesh option. What I always want is just to get the vertices back to normal.
If for a reason I don't understand Spine does need to keep that behavior by default, what I would love to have is an option to keep my precious key frames. I just need Spine to do nothing, just to consider the Reset as if I just had manually move back each vertices to their original position. Although I've no idea what's going on under the hood ^^'
Thanks again
Hello !
So when I update an image, I often have to change its mesh and I often end up needing to reset the mesh to make it right again. But that, will remove all the keys frame for it, in all animations. I don't understand the reasoning behind this behavior? Why removing all my precious keys frames? :nerd:
I mean, in Setup mode, I can deform a mesh without removing all its key frames, so why not consider the Reset as any other deformations? I feel like it should be the same behavior than anything I do in setup mode : things I modify affect all my animations, of course, but it doesn't remove keys.
And if I really want to clear my key, I can un-check "mesh", and check it back again. Easy.
I'd be curious to learn more about this as it's often a source of extra redo-work, where I have to create a ghost duplicate of the meshed image, reset it, then go back in all animation and copy/past the mesh deformation from the ghost duplicate onto the newly reset mesh.
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Haha, thanks doc :p
And many thanks for the solutions:
a) It's working using this! The result is different but I'll try to fine tune it to reproduce the same feeling as in 2D.
b) Couldn't make this work for some reason.
c) Will do!P.S: this system is awesome, I'm having a blast (as usual)
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Hey guys,
Bellow is a video of my issue, basically everytime I turn around, my character cape roll up weirdly.
I tried to compare my setup with "SkeletonUtility Platformer HingeChain Physics" the hero in the example doesn't have those split FlippedX setup. So I'm guessing my issue would be tied to that somehow? Plus, do I really need those? The cape's hero in the example seems to be doing okay without it!Sorry for my weird goblin accent :nerd:
(Sorry for the late answer)
Thanks for the additional info, I start to understand. But the issue is that we are on a ScriptableObject, there is no SkeletonRenderer here, just data. So instead I added an Odin button with a function to provide a reference of the SkeletonDataAsset to each element of the array, and it worked fine...
But then I realized it was already working! Don't know what I changed, most likely the variable name, but each element from the array now somehow recognize the "skeletonDataAsset" variable from the main ScriptableObject, so I don't need to provide a reference for each of them, which is exactly what I wanted:
So either it's black magic or it seems that the parameters dataField:"skeletonDataAsset" is more powerful that we expected! Looks like it reaches out to all variable on the current gameobject or something like that.
Thanks this is exactly what I wanted!
I wasn't generating code, I was copying names manually ^^'
The only downside is that it's not very convenient to have to carry a reference to the SkeletonDataAsset each time I need the animation name, that is, on each of my array element.
I suspect there is no easy way to have only one "Knight_SkeletonData" reference in the main class, that would be used as reference by each of the element of the array ?Well I would like to do a straightforward cast, like
AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, EnumAnimIds.Attack1.ToString());
But then again it can't work with "EnumAnimIds.AttackFolder/Attack1", so I cannot use enum, unless I find a way to use "_" to seperate folder name and animation name. Alternatively, I could have data duplicate between a list of simplified ids in my enum, point to a list of string with full folder/name... But Meh.
Actually, the only reason I want to use enum is to have a safe way to input animation names in the inspector, so what I need is exactly what you use in the SkeletonData inspector window for Mix Settings. You provide a safe drop down menu with animation names. Do you know how I could replicate that on my end?
Hi there,
With the awesome new animation folders features came a problem with enum: the "/" required to identify the animation "AttackFolder/Attack1" doesn't work in an enum. So I'm forced to use string instead which doesn't suit well my needs for inspector data editing.
Couple of questions:
Could I use "_" instead of "/" as a separator for "AttackFolder_Attack1"? If so where can I change the code in spine runtime? Couldn't find where the "/" is introduced.
Would you have better workflow suggestions as to how to handle animation ids? Maybe having animation ids getting generated automatically based on the SkeletonData exported, instead of manually creating enum or list of const? Maybe use SkeletonData info directly instead of creating my own name list ? Not sure about all this.
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Oh no worry I was just kidding! I didn't know it was Mitch, it would be amazing if he would make another tutorial on this!
Many thanks for all the details, and the forum thread, I'm gonna dig into all this
Hi, I'm waiting for this guy to make a tutorial since 2 years:
This looks to good to be true and I'm new to SkeletonLit and Unity lighting so any leads you can throw at me to reach that flat cartoon lighting effect will be much appreciated :nerd:
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Four years of work later, here is the game we made with Spine. I'm not the best animator but Spine gave me the freedom to do exactly what I wanted to do with the characters, as a game designer.
Kudo to Spine team for their help and support.
Works as a charm, thanks!
Gotcha, thanks for your answer and for testing. Would you know then how I could grab the SkeletonGraphic size so I can setup its RectTransform parent to match its size? Can't seem to find the property.