
  • Entrou em 14 de Fev de 2024
  • 在Spine 4.2.20版本中,音频事件导致项目卡顿和延迟的问题可能是一个软件bug。根据相关讨论,Spine 4.2.36版本已经修复了一些音频相关的问题,因此建议升级到最新版本以查看问题是否已解决。


  • To address the issue of exporting multiple layers with different blending modes in Photoshop for use in Spine, you can use a script to streamline the process. The key is to ensure that the layers are exported in a way that allows you to use Spine's linked mesh feature, which can save time by reusing mesh and weight data across similar images.

    One approach is to use a Photoshop script that exports each layer as a PNG file while maintaining the same size and position. This ensures that when you import these images into Spine, they align correctly, allowing you to use linked meshes. You can find a script for exporting layers from Photoshop to Spine here. This script can be customized to handle specific requirements, such as maintaining layer sizes and positions.

    Additionally, you can manually adjust the blending modes in Spine after importing the images. Spine supports different blending modes, and you can set these for each slot in the Spine editor.

    By using a script to export layers consistently and leveraging Spine's linked mesh feature, you can significantly reduce the amount of repetitive work required for setting up meshes and weights for similar parts across different layers.

  • 在使用 spine-godot 时,GDExtension 对于包含中文字符的骨架名称可能会导致一些兼容性问题。具体来说:

    1. 如果骨架名称包含中文字符,当在 Godot 中为 SpineSprite 节点的 skeleton_data_res 属性指定相应的骨架数据时,可能会导致整个 Godot IDE 崩溃。这可能是由于字符编码问题导致的。

    2. 对于 SpineBoneNode 这样的节点,其骨骼列表中显示的中文字符可能会出现乱码。这同样可能是由于字符编码不兼容所引起的。


  • 如果您无法登录到您的Spine账户并下载Spine,您可以尝试以下步骤:

    1. 重新下载Spine:由于证书过期,您需要从您的许可证页面重新下载并重新安装Spine。请确保您使用的是最新的安装程序。

    2. 许可证恢复:如果您找不到您的Spine许可证页面,您可以使用Spine许可证恢复页面来找回您的许可证信息。

    3. 检查电子邮件:确保您使用购买Spine时的电子邮件地址来接收相关信息。如果您没有收到电子邮件,请检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹。

    如果这些步骤仍然无法解决您的问题,您可以通过电子邮件联系Esoteric Software的支持团队,提供您的购买证明和问题描述,他们会帮助您解决问题。联系邮箱是:contact@esotericsoftware.com

  • It seems like you are experiencing a glitch related to masking in Spine. Masking issues can often be related to the specific setup of your project or a bug in the runtime you are using. From the contexts provided, there have been various reports of mask-related glitches across different runtimes and platforms, such as Cocos2d-x and Unity. These issues are sometimes resolved by updating to the latest version of the Spine runtime or by adjusting the mask settings in your project. If the problem persists, it might be helpful to provide more details about your setup, such as the version of Spine and the runtime you are using, or to share a minimal reproduction project with the Spine team for further investigation.

  • To enable mipmaps using the PIXIJS runtime, you can set the texture filters to use mipmaps. This is done on the textures themselves. If you have an atlas with a single page, you can enable mipmaps by setting the filters like this:

    const atlas = PIXI.Assets.get("atlasKey");

    This code will generate mipmaps for the texture, which should help in maintaining smoother edges when the Spine container is scaled down. If you have multiple textures, you will need to apply this setting to each texture individually.

  • When using the same assets in both Pixi and Spine, you have a couple of options to reduce duplication.

    1. Using Pixi's TexturePacker: You can pack your assets using TexturePacker for Pixi and then use slots in Spine to attach them. This approach allows you to manage your assets primarily in Pixi, which might be beneficial if Pixi is your main rendering engine.

    2. Using Spine's Texture Atlas: You can also use Spine's texture atlas and then load these assets into Pixi. This is possible, but it requires some additional work. You would need to parse the Spine atlas and create textures in Pixi. This involves loading the atlas text file as a text and initializing the TextureAtlas manually. You would then map the page names to the respective base64 data or image files and set the textures accordingly in Pixi.

    If you choose to use Spine's atlas, you will indeed need to write a script to parse the atlas and create textures for Pixi. This involves loading the JSON skeleton with Pixi's JSON loader and the atlas text file as a text, then initializing the TextureAtlas manually and setting the textures for each page.

    1. GPU instancing generally does not improve performance for Spine skeletons because the vertices are animated on the CPU, and the transformed vertices are then uploaded to the GPU. This means that enabling GPU instancing will not provide benefits and might even disable batching, potentially leading to worse performance.

    2. Since GPU instancing does not provide benefits for Spine skeletons, it will not improve performance for the same object and animation with different animation times. The performance impact is more related to how the vertices are processed and uploaded rather than the animation timing.

    3. To enable GPU instancing in a material, you typically need to use a shader that supports it. However, for Spine skeletons, using a non-Spine shader with GPU instancing will not provide benefits. If you need specific features like emission, you might need to modify the shader or use a custom shader that meets your requirements. The Spine/Skeleton Lit material might be a better option if it supports the features you need, but it won't benefit from GPU instancing.

  • To automate the re-exporting of skeletons when updating Spine and Unity runtimes, you can use the Spine command line interface. This allows you to batch-export all your skeletons, saving you from manually re-exporting each one. Unfortunately, newer runtimes cannot automatically read and update skeletons from older versions due to compatibility constraints. The recommended approach is to set up a script that uses the command line interface to handle exports as part of your build process. This ensures that your skeleton data is always up-to-date with the latest project files. You can find more information and example scripts in the Spine User Guide: Command line and Blog: New export shell scripts.

  • Currently, Spine does not have a built-in feature to automatically export each skin to its own atlas. However, you can achieve this by organizing your images into folders and using the Texture Packer to pack each folder separately. Here's a suggested workflow:

    1. Organize Images: Place the images for each skin in separate folders, and have a folder for common images used by all skins.

    2. Texture Packing: Use the Texture Packer to pack each skin's folder into its own atlas. You can do this by selecting the folder for each skin and packing it separately. Ensure that the common images are included in each skin's atlas.

    3. Custom AttachmentLoader: In Unity, you can modify the AtlasAttachmentLoader to load the correct atlas for each skin. This involves resolving attachment names and paths to the appropriate atlas texture region.

    4. Script Automation: Consider writing a script to automate the process of copying images to temporary folders and packing them. This can help manage updates and changes efficiently.

    5. Unity Integration: When integrating with Unity, ensure that your custom loader is correctly set up to handle the different atlases for each skin.

    By following these steps, you can maintain a single Spine project while managing multiple skins and their respective atlases in Unity.

  • Thank you for your suggestion regarding the auto-adjustment of Spine's interface scale based on display resolution. Currently, users need to manually set the interface scale for different resolutions, such as 200% for 4K displays. While this feature is not yet available, it is a valuable idea that could enhance usability for those frequently switching between different screen resolutions. Your feedback is appreciated, and such enhancements are considered for future updates to improve the user experience in Spine.

  • To efficiently update a large number of Spine resources from version 3.8 to 4.1, you can automate the export process using the Spine command line interface. This allows you to re-export your skeletons and atlas assets in one go, ensuring that all your resources are up-to-date. While the 3.8 atlas format is still compatible with 4.1, it's recommended to re-export everything to avoid any potential issues and to take advantage of any improvements in the newer version. Setting up a scripted export process will save you a lot of manual work and ensure consistency across your projects.

  • The issue you're encountering is related to TypeScript's type definitions not fully matching the runtime properties of SpineGameObject. The SpineGameObject in the spine-phaser runtime may have properties like height that are not explicitly defined in the TypeScript type definitions. This can happen if the type definitions are not fully up-to-date with the runtime or if certain properties are dynamically added at runtime.

    To address this, you can extend the TypeScript definitions to include the missing properties. However, using any as a workaround, as you've done, is a quick solution to bypass TypeScript's type checking. If you want to maintain type safety, you could create a custom type definition that extends SpineGameObject to include the height property.

    Here's a simple example of how you might extend the type:

    interface ExtendedSpineGameObject extends Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject {
        height: number;
        // Add other properties as needed
    const test = this.add.spine(0, 0, "spine-data", "spine-atlas") as ExtendedSpineGameObject;
    test.setScale((this.game.config.height as number) / test.height);

    This way, you can keep the benefits of TypeScript's type checking while ensuring that your code reflects the actual properties available at runtime.

  • When using the "Import PSD" feature in Spine, you can set the origin for the root bone by using guides in your PSD file. Specifically, the first X and Y guides in the PSD are used to define the world origin in Spine. This feature is available from Spine 4.2.10-beta onwards. If guides are not present, the origin defaults to the center of the canvas. Additionally, there is consideration for an [origin] tag that can be used to set the world origin using the center of a layer with [origin] in its name, which might be implemented in future updates.

    • 在Godot中使用Spine时,你可以通过SpineSprite节点来获取骨骼的世界位置。具体来说,你可以使用get_global_bone_transform(name)方法来获取骨骼在Godot画布空间中的变换。以下是一个示例代码:

      # 假设你有一个SpineSprite节点
      var spine_sprite = $SpineSprite
      # 获取"weapon"骨骼的世界变换
      var weapon_transform = spine_sprite.get_global_bone_transform("weapon")
      # 从变换中提取位置
      var weapon_position = weapon_transform.origin


    • 在代码中访问Spine的音频事件可以通过监听SpineSprite节点的animation_event信号来实现。animation_event信号会在用户定义的事件(包括音频事件)发生时触发。你可以连接这个信号到一个函数,并在该函数中处理音频事件。


      extends SpineSprite
      func _ready():
          # 连接 animation_event 信号到 _on_animation_event 函数
          connect("animation_event", self, "_on_animation_event")
      # 处理 animation_event 信号的函数
      func _on_animation_event(track_index, event):
          if event.data.name == "your_audio_event_name":
              # 在这里处理音频事件,例如播放音频
              print("Audio event triggered: ", event.data.name)


    • I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with exporting JSON in Spine 3.8 on your new laptop. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the problem:

      1. Check Java Installation: Although Spine does not use the system-installed Java, ensure that your system is up to date and there are no conflicts with other software.

      2. Project Size and Complexity: If your project is large or complex, try exporting a smaller project to see if the issue persists. This can help determine if the problem is related to the project size.

      3. Memory Allocation: Increase the memory allocation for Spine. You can do this by running Spine with a command to allocate more memory, such as Spine -Xmx4096m for 4GB.

      4. Export Settings: Ensure that your export settings are correct and that you are not using features that might not be supported in your current setup.

      5. Reinstall Spine: Try reinstalling Spine 3.8 to ensure that all files are correctly installed and not corrupted.

      If the problem continues, it might be helpful to test on another machine or contact Esoteric Software for further assistance.

    • For refund issues, especially when you want to keep your Spine Essential license intact while refunding the Spine Professional, it's best to handle this via email. Please ensure you have sent your request to contact@esotericsoftware.com from the email address you used for the purchase. The team will respond to your request as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

      • Editado


      1. 以管理员身份运行:尝试右键点击Spine的安装程序或启动程序,选择“以管理员身份运行”,以确保有足够的权限访问注册表和系统文件。

      2. 检查注册表权限:打开注册表编辑器(按 Win + R,输入 regedit),导航到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\esotericsoftware\spine\editor\launcher,确保当前用户具有“完全控制”权限。如果没有,请修改权限设置。

      3. 禁用或卸载安全软件:临时禁用或卸载可能干扰Spine的安全软件(如QQ电脑管家、杀毒软件等),然后重新尝试安装和运行Spine。

      4. 清理缓存和配置文件:删除Spine的缓存文件夹(通常位于 C:\Users\<您的用户名>\Spine),然后重新启动Spine。

      5. 重新下载安装包:从官方网站重新下载Spine的安装包,确保文件完整无损。

      如果以上步骤仍未解决问题,建议查看Spine的日志文件以获取更多错误信息,或者尝试联系Esoteric Software的官方支持团队以获取进一步帮助。

    • 在 Cocos Creator 上实现描边效果,您可以尝试使用屏幕空间的描边效果。可以在 Unity Asset Store 上找到多个包,搜索 "outline" 即可。确保所选的包能够处理透明度,而不仅限于不透明的几何体。此外,您还可以在骨架中包含描边,使用一组单独的附件来实现描边效果。