
  • 6 de Fev de 2016
  • Entrou em 25 de Jul de 2015
  • I have a question and is not for @SullyTheStrangem, I think is for @Nate.
    Is about the Log file, maybe it could be dangerous in some way that the log being sent to the forum have information as Licensed to:


    like the attachment?


  • Mitch escreveu
    PixelBrothers escreveu

    Hey Mitch, any news about release date of Equipman ?


    Some day after Spine-csharp is compatible with Spine 3. Waitin on Nate.

    then the culprit here was always Nate

  • woooow.. sound very good Mitch,
    Do you have some estimated price? 100% sure that I will be one of your first buyers

  • Hi Mitch,
    I have Hitman and Gunman assets.. may I ask what makes it so complicated character in the Equipman asset?
    and what is so different to Hitman or Gunman asset..

  • Thanks you a lot Pharan

  • Hi Pharan, Mitch o Nate.
    I have in my Spine project an empty slot named "stuff", now in Unity I want to add/attach a GameObject to that slot "stuff", there is a way to do that?
    I have try with skeletonAnimation.skeleton.AttachUnitySprite but only work with Sprite.. and I want to add/attach a GameObject.


  • Nate escreveu

    I almost forgot about this one, by hwadock:

     Loading Image

    This animation es made by deformation or is "frame by frame", someone know?

  • Hi @Mitch, so then Equipman asset is still coming?

  • Hi, I want to ask about pixel art Animation.
    Is possible to make a good pixel art animation in Spine PRO?
    There is some recommendation to make pixel art animation in Spine? Maybe a guide or something?


  • sorry for the insistence, but I'm really interested in Equipman asset.
    @Mitch, @Nate or @Pharan, Still do not have any estimate date for the Equipman asset?

  • Thanks for your reply Mitch, but Im not talking about the PolygonCollider2D, Im talking about the green square, please look in this image, (how I can move again to the bottom-center?):

     Loading Image

    BOXMAN CHARACTER: Also.. @Mitch could you( or @Nate or somebody in EsotericSoftware) sendme the BOXMAN spine project? because I look in the hitman and gunman folders but I there inst the boxman spine.

    16 Nov 2015, 08:40

    help pleasee..

  • Hi @Mitch I create this thread because I have some problem/question with Hitman.

    I my new hitman character I have in the bottom of the character something like a BoxCollider2D, in the original hitman that BoxCollider2D is in the center of the bottom but with my new change that was moved:
     Loading Image

    my question is.. what is the behavior of that BoxCollider2D ( I mean.. what is it for? )? and how I can move that again to the center of the bottom?

    About BOXMAN: Also I want to ask if you can send the BoxMan spine/project via mail or something I have my order number or the hitman and gunman asset..

    About asset discount: When I bought the gunman package I noticed there was a discount for having previously bought the hitman package. There will be another even larger discount for future buying another package (when the equipman)? or only 50% discount maintained?


    11 Nov 2015, 11:48


    12 Nov 2015, 13:41

    @Mitch? @Nate.. somebody?

  • Dont say that =/ I bought Spine Pro a few days..
    I want to believe that they do not respond because they are working hard on Spine 3.. but read your comments scares me now.. 😢

  • I could also help @Nate and @Pharan, I know I'm new here but I came to stay =)

  • but it would be better to create it now and start creating expectations.. and they can get familiar with what is Spine.
    It is my humble opinion..