
  • 8 de Abr de 2017
  • Entrou em 5 de Mar de 2013
  • Thanks, I could send you our spine file tomorrow so you can see the issue in 3.5.


  • Yeah, I am sure it was before that. We are seeing the allocations and the memory issue. Do you have a runtime 3.4 that fixes this? I have been still working on the same game that has to be released in a week and the only thing holding me back here is this issue. Updating to 3.5 has some mesh issues in the Spine editor.

  • Is there a latest 3.4 runtime I can get so I can maintain compatibility while also getting the fix for the allocations issues?


  • Ok, Thanks.

    There were more animations added but nothing else. I am going to send 3.4 file.

  • Thanks for looking into this. I updated to 3.4 because the project has been extended. I am sending you the latest spine file. The import issues are still happening.

    I appreciate your time looking into this.

    04 Aug 2016 8:37 am

    Let me know if you want me to send you the 3.4 spine file. Still having issues with importing.


  • I will check. I went over my repository changes looking for spine changes but didn't find anything. I will submit a project link after I check that. Thanks!

    27 Jul 2016 7:36 am

    I sent my current spine project. Still having issues with importing. I am using 5.3.4p6. I tried 3.4 runtime and spine version but still getting errors on import.

  • Great question. No, I did not. But if my animator did and gave me a file he created in 3.3 could it have export issues yet function properly in 3.2.01?

  • Been working in the same project and successfully imported binary .skel files before. Now when I update the project the SkeletonData isn't being created. Not sure what is going on but wanted to ask the group for any ideas.

    I am two days from releasing and don't want to mess up my whole project too much. Thoughts?

  • YES! I just tested this myself and sure enough no issue. Thank you, thank you!

  • Sent. Thanks.

    I see the 3.1 loader with the 3.2 beta. Is that the runtime you refer to or is there a 3.2 runtime I am missing? I will try that for sure.

    Edit: Also is there an easy way to see what version of loader/runtime I am using? I have scoured the source files looking for a version but can't find one.

    27 May 2016 10:25 am

    Yes, I did both 3.1 and 3.2 beta on top and the skel.bytes imported the skeleton.

  • I couldn't get the binary export to work. It would not import and create the SkeletonData.

    Sending you my files straight away. I will also give you specific image import settings in a screenshot.

    I tested with a different spine file and it doesn't have this issue. So this specific spine file I sent you does. Interested to get your thoughts on it.

  • Yes, I have profiled it. Can't pinpoint exactly where the issue is coming from. I am profiling using Unity profiler from iOS device (iPhone6 and iPad). What Xcode is showing and what Unity is showing is different when you add it all up. Xcode is more memory.

    Profiling it the editor I see a 200+ meg jump in total allocated memory

     Loading Image

    The red is Total GC Allocated the purple is GC Allocated. You see GC Allocated spikes and Total GC Allocated jumps to 270 MB from 67 MB.

    In the editor I tested calling System.GC.Collect() and it did recover memory. ON DEVICE it did NOT! Also calling Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() recovered some memory as well in the editor. But NOT on device.

    26 May 2016 1:55 pm

    Ok, so I added a continuous System.GC.Collect() at an interval and it DID release it after a bit taking it down to 300 megs. Putting the actual spine file at about 20 meg which seems completely reasonable to me. But what is with this huge spike? What is creating this allocation?

    Thanks again for the help.

  • I isolated the spine prefab in a scene. When I create it the memory goes from 80 to 336.
    GC.Collect calls 5 seconds after with NO effect.

    Going to try the binary.

    There was nothing logged, no exceptions being thrown.

    I so appreciate your help on this. I need to get an answer as I have to release this game very soon.

  • The large memory footprint was NOT there before.

    Using Unity 5.3.4p6.
    My prefab has the Skeleton Animation and a bunch of stuff. I created a new prefab with SkeletonAnimation and tested with the same results.
    There is one large 1024x1024 texture. Power of two, squared.
    Using Json.

    public void CreateTestMoiku() {
            GameObject ob = Instantiate(testMoikuPrefab) as GameObject;

    That's it and I my memory in Xcode goes from 280 to 514 ish.

    I can try creating several of them. But something is off and the moment I noticed this was when I updated my spine runtime.

    I appreciate your questions and help with this. Thanks!

    EDIT: Creating more DOES NOT incur more memory. Just creating a simple spine SkeletonAnimation prefab makes memory explode by 220 megs.