
  • 8 de Ago de 2019
  • Entrou em 1 de Mar de 2019
  • Hi,
    I have a problem (Spine 3.8.58) with Spine Settings > Graphics: Viewport linear filtering (unchecked) and Viewport pixel grid (checked). Every time I run Spine I need to change this values. Save button don't work for this, in older versions that was working correctly.

    I have also question about Preview window. This window looks like it don't show viewport pixel grid property. Is it possible for viewport to display with a pixel grid in future?

  • Hi guys, in one animation I would like to move all the bones higher, for example a high sit. The position of the bones after moving in each frame agrees, but when it comes to ik bones - I have to move them manually by the offset value (except the current frame where the shift occurred). Is there any way for ik to be moved by a given value in each frame without editing every Y axis value?

    My first idea to solve this problem was to mark the whole timeline with keyframes and move the selected bones.

  • Thank You! I should read the documentation more insightfully. I had to turn it off by accident when I was learning the program.

  • Hi everyone. I have Tree with a lot of slots, skins, skeletons etc. and when I select one on canvas that is out of sight in Tree panel I must scroll up or down to find that selection where it is. Is this in options or is it missing?