spine 提示杀毒 一直更新不了
Spine 更新问题可能是由于杀毒软件误报导致的。Esoteric Software 已经联系了多家杀毒软件公司,包括 Bitdefender,以将 Spine 列入白名单,但有时这些软件仍会误报。建议您尝试暂时禁用杀毒软件或将 Spine 添加到排除列表中。此外,确保您使用的是最新的 Spine 启动器版本,并从您的 Spine 许可证页面下载最新的安装程序进行更新。
已经尝试关了杀毒软件 但是还是更新不了
QIN I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Could you check to see if a spine.log
file has been generated in your user folder and paste its contents here? The location of the user folder depends on the operating system you are using, please see the troubleshooting page for more information:
QIN Hmm, that should not be possible. Some of the old installers are no longer available for download, and the 3.8 Spine Launcher installer is one of them. It is difficult to give advice on the problem of the installer not downloading properly, as we cannot help with that, but you may want to check if you have accidentally used the old installer, and if the installation with the new installer has not failed in the process.